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paint.net 4.1.5 is now available!

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This update focuses on improving performance -- sometimes significantly! -- and fixing a handful of really important bugs. Special thanks go out to @Bruce Bowyer-Smyth for his contributions in this release.


If you’re using the Windows Store release, you should get the update automatically within the next 24 hours. You can also force an update check by following these instructions.


For the Classic release, you should be offered the update automatically within the next week or so. You can get the updater soon by going to ⚙ Settings → Updates → Check Now. You can also download and install it directly from the website.


  • Improved: Image -> Rotate should now complete almost instantly (thanks @Bruce Bowyer-Smyth!)
  • Improved: Optimized a portion of the rendering engine for newer CPU instruction sets (SSE2, SSSE3, AVX2). Depending on zoom level, CPU type, and other factors, rendering throughput has been improved by 10-50%.
  • Improved: Some performance optimizations for code that uses the indexers on the Surface class, which should improve effect plugin performance (thanks @Bruce Bowyer-Smyth!)
  • Fixed: Shortcut keys for the Adjustments menu weren't working until after you opened the menu for the first time
  • Fixed: Canvas checkerboard, used to indicate transparent regions of the image, now scales with DPI
  • Fixed some of the more rare cases of the SEHException/AccessViolationException crash caused by Direct2D
  • Fixed: A bug in IndirectUI was resulting in a crash when using @BoltBait's Level Horizon plugin
  • Fixed: Per-user fonts no longer cause a crash for the Store version
  • New: The paintdotnet: protocol now works for the Classic version
  • Fixed: The paintdotnet: protocol should now work properly with paths that have spaces in them
  • Fixed: Hardened security for loading Custom Shape plugins via XAML (thanks @Bruce Bowyer-Smyth!)


Enjoy! :)

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The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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  • 1 month later...

Could we please have a clue as to when we can expect the promised DDS Filetype Plus to be fully integrated in PDN?


It was stated as an intent to include it, more than a year ago (Sep 2017) by @Rick Brewster, who was going to try and include it within a few months.


Also, please note that I am planning to integrate this in to Paint.NET soon (null54 gave me permission to do this). Hopefully within the next few months, depending on how the update scheduling goes. So if you install an update and your ".dds2" files suddenly won't open in Paint.NET, then that's why. Rename them back to ".dds" and you'll be good.


On Github the plugin is now at version 1.9.2, which includes DirectXTex Nov 16 2018.


null54 could not answer the same question when asked recently (Nov 2018)


I have seen the (locked) Popular Feature Requests sticky, but that has not been updated since 2016 which was a year before Rick said the plugin would be integrated.


Is there a roadmap somewhere else?


Edited by M0lz
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2 hours ago, M0lz said:

Is there a roadmap somewhere else?


@Rick Brewster posted his 2019 roadmap in the following thread.



Plugin Pack | PSFilterPdn | Content Aware Fill | G'MICPaint Shop Pro Filetype | RAW Filetype | WebP Filetype

The small increase in performance you get coding in C++ over C# is hardly enough to offset the headache of coding in the C++ language. ~BoltBait


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8 hours ago, null54 said:


@Rick Brewster posted his 2019 roadmap in the following thread.



And thats where my answer is, thanks null54, good to know it is still going to get integrated, I have been watching your topic and release notes ever since Rick mentioned it but missed that "Whats next" topic :)

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