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Creating Northern Lights

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So, I'm doing NaNoWriMo again this year. I like to create a quick "cover" for it to post on the site.


I'm swiping two shots of the London Tube during WWII and splitting them diagonally across the picture. I want to add a Faerie Gate in the middle. And have a "northern lights" effect swirling across the Gate and the diagonal line where the two Tube pix meet. 


The effects I'm after would be similar to the two photos below.


I'm thinking a combination of blurs, Gaussian, Fragment, and Motion, and maybe some Glow? 


Likely several layers to be later flattened together. 


I'm just not sure where to start.




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9 minutes ago, Pixey said:

Hi @Marilynx.  This video may give some ideas.  Of course you would have to adapt the shape to more vertical shapes:



Thanks, Pixey! I love watching these videos, but I do so wish there was a written tutorial to go with them. I just can't follow the directions quickly enough!


That is such a fascinating effect... I am going to have to play with Liquify.

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2 hours ago, welshblue said:

Or you could use brushes like THESE with Brush Factory 




THIS plugin allows you to open .abr files in PDN ... and the version of Brush Factory in Plug In Developers forum allows for .abr files to be loaded directly into the plugin.  Just remember to save your work often in case of a crash whilst the guys perfect it if you use that one



Oh, my WORD! That is just PERFECT!


I have DL the brushes. I have DL and installed the plug-in. But what NOW?


I hate the assumption that I know how to use something like Photoshop brushes....



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1 hour ago, Marilynx said:

I just can't follow the directions quickly enough!


Hi Marilynx.  For future reference, just turn down the speed under the gear wheel so you can follow better.  That's what I do.  :)

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1 hour ago, welshblue said:

(assuming you're using the stable version of Brush Factory) 


Actually the stable version of Brush Factory (1.6) can load ABR files.

@Joshua Lamusga released that version on the 29th of October, but he did not create a new post to bump the topic in the list.


The in-development version will load faster and be easier to use, due to changes in how the brushes are loaded and displayed.

But as @welshblue stated you should save your work before using it as there may still be bugs that can cause it to crash.


Plugin Pack | PSFilterPdn | Content Aware Fill | G'MICPaint Shop Pro Filetype | RAW Filetype | WebP Filetype

The small increase in performance you get coding in C++ over C# is hardly enough to offset the headache of coding in the C++ language. ~BoltBait


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On 11/3/2018 at 4:23 AM, welshblue said:




For this you'll need THIS plugin (assuming you're using the stable version of Brush Factory)



When the aurora file is unzipped >>> Open up PDN >>> File >>> Open >>> Select your Aurora .abr file >>> Copy and Save each layer into a new file and save as .pngs >>> Open up Brush Factory >>> Add New Brush >>> Choose the Aurora brush/es of your choice >>> When it/they load Select the brush >>> choose a colour you want the brush >>> play with brush size/ rotation on the sliders to your preferences


*** tip *** copy your background to clipboard >>> Add a New Layer (you want to be working on this) >>> Open Brush Factory >>> Right Click >>> Choose Clipboard as your background >>> Click your mouse to paint the brush onto the canvas


phew I need a coffee after all that ...


You can save a lot of steps using  THIS version ... as it loads .abr files without needing the palaver of lots of the steps above (as in Add Brush >>> select the .abr file >>> and they all load)  Save your work before using it ... although it does seem pretty stable now


(If you decide to use the above version - there's a .dll and .pdb file - both go into the Effects folder)



Phew! I need a strong cup of tea to revive me after just READING all that. I am not sure what I will need after attempting to DO it.


This is something I want to learn to do. But first I have to finish my 40+ page tutorial on using PDN for Barn Hunt, and the four tutorials on building courses for each of the Barn Hunt levels. And write 2000 words a day. 


Thank you for your time on that!

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On 11/3/2018 at 6:04 AM, null54 said:


Actually the stable version of Brush Factory (1.6) can load ABR files.

@Joshua Lamusga released that version on the 29th of October, but he did not create a new post to bump the topic in the list.


The in-development version will load faster and be easier to use, due to changes in how the brushes are loaded and displayed.

But as @welshblue stated you should save your work before using it as there may still be bugs that can cause it to crash.


I'm a little hesitant about using in-development stuff. Because if something goes wrong, I won't be sure if it was a bug, or if I did something stupid. Remember: just because you're paranoid doesn't mean the universe ISN'T out to get you.


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On 11/9/2018 at 1:58 AM, welshblue said:


No problem.  Hope it helps you get the job done.

I'm thinking about making a full blown tutorial as after a little experimenting reflected gradients give a substantially better result



This is true ... or so say the voices in my head ?

For what you want the published version will do the job .  As Null54 says the latest version has the ability to load .abr files (which I hadn't realised)


I would very much enjoy seeing a Northern Lights tutorial. I can think of a number of things I could use it for.


Those voices in your head... sometimes they're the only ones giving you intelligent discussion!


I could spend all my time playing with PDN.



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