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Is it possible to blend just one small area?

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I have a girl standing on the red sand of a desert. But I need to blend around her feet or she looks like she's floating. I'm not sure  how to do that and make it look right. Can someone point me to a tutorial or have an idea for me? I tried searching but got all kinds of crazy stuff back with zillions of pages, lol. 

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I'm not sure what you mean by "blend around her feet." Blend what? You're more likely to get useful advice if you explain in more detail what you're trying to do. Posting the photo would be helpful, though I realize you may not be comfortable posting a private photograph.

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Would this be helpful?   You could 'smudge' the sand around her feet.



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16 hours ago, MJW said:

I'm not sure what you mean by "blend around her feet." Blend what? You're more likely to get useful advice if you explain in more detail what you're trying to do. Posting the photo would be helpful, though I realize you may not be comfortable posting a private photograph.

I have one layer of a dead tree in the desert with reddish sand. 
I have another layer with a girl... the area around the girl is transparent so only the girl shows. 
I put the layer with the girl on top of the layer with the sandy desert. 
It appears as if she's floating above the sand. 
If I try to smudge the sand, it still appears as if shes floating above it because she's superimposed on top of that layer. 
So my assumption is that I need to merge those two layers, then somehow fiddle with the area around her feet to make it appear that she's standing in the sand, not floating above it like a little angel :) 
What is the best tool or tools to use to just affect the area around her feet rather than the whole picture? 
I'll try to attach the picture... I lowered the quality of the jpg to make it a smaller file but you can see her feet and the floating effect... 

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6 hours ago, welshblue said:

If I read it correctly you want the lady in question to seem like she's levitating above the sand ?


I'd do it this way ... Cut the figure out  >>> move it up the canvas on a new layer >>> use this plugin to replace the cutout part Content Aware Fill (possibly combined with the Clone Stamp Tool) >>> then some semblance of shadow on the sand to help give the illusion of floating.


Not an easy project ... especially if there's a lot of sand compared to sky/ backdrop


As MJW says, the image could be useful to give better directions


Actually she does look like she floating... I don't want her to float, I want it to appear that she's actually standing on the sand 

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Greetings Meenie50,

The effect of floating in your composition is due to a lack of shadows. If you add the right shadowing to your composited work, it would anchor the subject within its setting.

Try using this plugin:


To make your composited effect look authentic; make sure that the shadow angle and depth applied to the subject closely matches that of the objects in the background setting!


Edited by HyReZ
to improve composition


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HiReZ and welshblue
Thank you both!!! As I'm sure you can tell, I'm rather new to Paint.net :) I'm learning!! And overall my design is looking great, except for her "floating feet" lol. 
I'll grab that plugin, HiReZ... thanks so much!!! And try your suggestion too, welshblue, I think both the shadow effect is needed and the sand needs to look like someone is standing on it :) 
I appreciate your quick answers! 

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