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question about selections, inverting, deleting


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Newbie forum member with limited use of paint.net - solely for tweaking photos:


For example: I have several layers of photos open, and when I use the "ellipse" tool to delineate a person's head, then invert and delete everything except the ellipse then choose  "rectangle select"  and "move selected pixels" tools  with the intent moving it to the desired place in the background photo  before "flattening" them into one final photo, I have the following problem:


In this newest version 4.1.1 when i select the "move selected pixels" tool, the ellipse section (person's head) of the open layer remains frozen in place while the pixels move only the unopened or open  background layer.  This problem did not occur with the previous version...


Furthermore in the older version I always deleted the white background layer first thing, but in this version I am unable to do so...


Anyone have helpful suggestions?

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Hi @Alibaba and Welcome to the forum :)


I've made a video trying to emulate what you described.


One thing that stands out is that you don't need to use the Rectangle Select, after you have used the Ellipse Select to move the circle and I had no trouble deleting the white Background.




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