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I usually does Black/White shortcut often while coloring around and after the latest update got installed, I does CTRL + SHIFT + G but nothing happens... Hue shortcut? Nothing happens as well. I had wondered what wrong with it until I click Adjustment dropmenu tab to reveal that most shortcuts got removed.


What happened to the shortcuts? =O

Or did I got a bad update to install?


Oh good.
I already got so used with those shortcuts before and now I am doing like "Huh? Why is it not working?!", haha.

I will make sure to check for any new update, :)

Thanks for the quick reply!


Yeah you should see it within 24 hours of the update being published.


Normally Paint.NET checks for updates every 10 days. But, for a brand new update it will check every day until 10 days has elapsed from when it was built (when I compiled it). This is to make sure I can quickly send out hotfixes or other really important updates.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html



Within 24 hours?

I am sure that latest update was like few days ago AKA more than 24 hours... and I just checked for any new update - It finds nothing as I am already on latest. =X


Checked "About" and it said v4.1.


But I will wait for ten days though. Thanks for a quick update. =D


I don't know how you are misunderstanding what we wrote. "Within 24 hours" does not, in any way, mean that the update is available right now. 


THERE IS NO UPDATE at this particular moment. It's still being finished up. You will see the update within 24 hours of it being published.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html



Sorry for misunderstanding. =(
I thought when you say "within 24 hours", it would be like from published date TO next day, not "after" 24 hours. =X


P.S.: I am using English Second Language, mind you. So yeah.

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