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Filling in gaps???

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Hello there. I have used Paint.net for a long time and believe it to be the best product out there.

Now I have a problem that needs sorting out. I am not even sure if this is the right place for this but here goes.

I am making maps. I can generate a river course but it has gaps where it goes behind hills. I can generate a river that shows no gaps but that comes out in the wrong place and I need to manually alter it into position. This takes an enormous amount of time and was wondering if there is a way of speeding it up.

Please see example below.

I am hoping that there is a way the pc can do this for me.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and hope someone can come up with a solution.

All the best,

Old Banshee

river example.jpg

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Hello and welcome to the forum @old banshee


Image 1: How is generated the original? specific tool, plugin, by hand?


Do you use layers? (hexagrid background, generated river, river corrections, final river...)


Image 4: When you past an image while the zoom is on (200-400% or more), the copy is placed to be seen in the working area. Be sure to zoom 100%! Ctrl+B


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The original is generated by a map editor but the rivers disappear when they go behind hills.

I have flattened the terrain in the map editor so the rivers join up but they are out of the original position  and I have to be manually position them.

I use layers.

I want the rivers to follow the hex lines if possible.

Below is an example of a map I am working on.

Thanks for the reply.

Old Banshee.


example 2.jpg

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Hi @old banshee


Welcome to the Forum
In your second picture have you tried this?

With tolerance at 20% select your river with the magic wand
While selected - add a new layer keeping selection active
Fill the selection with whatever color you like. Deselect
Go back to the original layer and color select the color you would like the river to be.

(I selected a 3 X 10 square of color from a straight area of the river and copied to the clipboard)
Go back to the new layer and select the colored area again with the magic wand
Select Effects/Selection/Paste from clipboard and set the image to tile.
You can find that plugin here if you don't have it


It should fill the selected area with the color you selected and come close to what you are looking for.

After any adjustments merge the layer down and everything should be lined up
Minor adjustments might be necessary - but I think its a step in the right direction.
Let us know if this works or if you have other questions for clarification. B)


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Not sure I get what you mean any chance of a video capture of what you are doing?

Sorry to be such a pain. At the moment I am moving and stretching the blue rivers into the position of the red rivers. Takes about 2 to 3 hours per image.

Old Banshee.

Really appreciate you taking the time to reply.


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I think @AndrewDavid described a method to manually fill the gaps


On ‎22‎/‎02‎/‎2018 at 9:59 AM, old banshee said:

This takes an enormous amount of time and was wondering if there is a way of speeding it up.


You could also try to use some sprites.

Draw every possible river patterns : straight, curve up curve down, crossing...

You could then have a neat grid when fil the gap by copy/paste the sprites. 


This plugin could help you to see what I'm saying (in a square wolrd)


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TileWorld looks like it has potential for what I need. Now if I could number the squares and have the plug-in place the contents of a the square into the image that would be it. What I am saying is / = 1      \ = 2    -- = 3   | = 4  The symbols would be the river sections and the number would represent that shape. Then I could load 134213421342141 now this would work up to 9 then use an abcdefg  for numbers 10 and upwards.

What are the chances of that happening?

Thanks guys.

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Sorry I can't answer the question above :arrow-up: but I looked at your original first post.  The not-lining-up will be a size discrepancy.  I cut your 4 images up to exactly 500 x 416 each and then lined up the river and the original and they matched.




Hopefully someone may be able to help you with the TileWorld question.


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New version of HeaxGrid could be helpfull for this task.



Mini tuto:


1. Make the background

Add a layer for the grid and a layer for the rivers

On the layer Grid run the effect Hexagrid:

- uncheck Anti-aliased

-check Spot Crossing (this will add a white spot


Then each segment of the grid could be slelected with the magic wand.




2. With the magic wand select the segments and the dots to draw the rivers. Eventualy select hexagons for the lakes.




3.Choose a color for the rivers. Activate the top layer and press backspace to fill the selection.




4. Add a new layer and redo the hexagrid without the spot crossing



5. Finishing with more textures


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          the alignment issue is caused by elevations. The map may have up to 15 height levels. Now the image that has the missing segments is as it is when I generate the map with all the elevations the gaps represent when the river goes behind a hill and cannot be seen.

I want all sections of the river showing. I can do this by generating the river map with only 1 elevation then it all comes out visible and flat. The problem with doing that is there is a big discrepancy between the river on elevation/level 1 and the one on elevation/level 15. This is when I have to move around and place the sections where I want. That is very time consuming. What I am after is to have the original river image which is in the correct position to have the segments which are missing added.

I want to be able to do this as quickly as possible with as least amount of clicks as possible. Something along the lines of drop shadow which only takes seconds to do a whole map.

Thanks for the replies.

They are very informative.

Old Banshee

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3 hours ago, old banshee said:

David, here is a little program and it is free it allows you to record screen images or videos.


Old Banshee. 


I just tried it and it's a lot easier to use.  Thanks for the tip.




How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

My Gallery | My Deviant Art

"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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On 24/02/2018 at 11:04 PM, AndrewDavid said:

I don't have the software to make a video capture let alone record any sound.


Actually, you do.


1. Hit the Windows key and G

2. Answer Yes to the prompt.

3. Use the Gamer Bar to record a video of the screen. Captures are stored in \videos\captures




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Thanks @Ego Eram Reputo

Something I thought was for recording game play - not Paint.Net apps. Gave it a whirl to get the feel of it and I see it will be usefull in the future.

Maybe I should get a WIN10 Manual (in large print).

Nice to know there are apps I haven't even touched yet.

And talk about off topic- where did the Op go?




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