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[4.0.21] Selection (round, square and lasso) is not working (and Space + LMButton shake picture)

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I tired from that 2 bugs and always create a new picture for "solve" them. 
Square selection, round selection and lasso selection sometimes aren't working.

And sometime screen is shaking from Middle Mouse Button or Space + Left Mouse Button.
If you don't understand, you can see video with bug on my Google Drive => https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FAyrlWIZQHWQhqVgUqSjVi5GJ0GnNfsU

P.S. I see that bugs from v4.0.1x

Edited by ZEkA10000
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First thing that I thought of was a dodogy mouse. Have you tried another?


Screen jumping looks like what happens when you pageup/pagedown (+/- Shift key). Have you got any macros assigned to your mouse or keyboard?

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10 hours ago, Ego Eram Reputo said:

First thing that I thought of was a dodogy mouse. Have you tried another?


Screen jumping looks like what happens when you pageup/pagedown (+/- Shift key). Have you got any macros assigned to your mouse or keyboard?

I only draw in PaintNET and I don't create macros
And on video I showed clicks (Red star Left Button, Blue star Right Button)

Edited by ZEkA10000
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