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Suggestion: Perspective tool for Paint.Net too?

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Paint.Net still lacks a tool, that many other same level image/picture editing software have. 


Here is example of perspective too in gimp, where you can drag/stretch individually of the corners of selection area in picture, for to change perspective or to fit add-on picture into perspective of base picture or an area in base picture (like into perspective of cube shape in base picture) 


correcting perspective of a photo of a painting: 



adjusting other image into perspective of laptop screen: 



Those are much more difficult to do with Paint.Net, with its tools and available plugins because there is not so easy wysiwyg-tools available yet in Paint.Net for to edit perspectives. 


Is there any plans that Paint.Net would have such perspective tool too? 



Edited by minaite
added image of the suggested perspective tool
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On 15.4.2017 at 3:36 PM, Eli said:

Tr's Distort this! effect can do what you are asking for.



Yes, I was aware of that Tr's Distort this! effect plugin, but it has several disadvantages. But it seems to be due paint.net fundamentals of dividing canvas into "base"canvas and separate "plugin work space" canvases. (I don't understand that philosophy of implementation, because for usability sake would be best to have one "work place" canvas and separate dialogs just for settings and tools, so like it partly is in paint.net and partly is not: for example there is colour selection dialog but you work on base canvas ... but plugins are forced to create separate work area canvas dialogs and then to reflect work from there to base canvas - and that implementation has limitations).


For to use Tr's Distort this! effect plugin properly, you need to add new layer every time when you want to insert picture object which perspective you want to edit. 


It works on small, fixed size dialog window (separate control surface), where picture object which perspective you want to change is shown smaller than its real size and you can't zoom the view, so it is more difficult, less accurate with mouse in smaller-zoomed work-area and takes more time to do the perspective editing, especially if user wants to change perspectives of several picture objects. 


That Tr's Distort this! effect seems to use quite much computer processor power, so seems that it is not so effective coded.But on the other hand it does very good quality in picture in changing perspective.  


Generally the lack of wysiwyg usability with some of paint.net plugins is that things are done in separate dialog windows, so not in the base picture or on the layers, which would be better usability. Maybe paint.net should improve the fundamentals, architecture more coherent and more wysiwyg. 


Would be much better usability to have either tool in paint.net or plugin that could do perspective editing right this way: 

- select of paste picture object in base picture

- select perspective tool, which opens separate dialog just for its settings and adds dragging handles to each 4 corner of selected picture object in base canvas (because changing size of selection area work in base canvas picture, so why don't plugins work the same way? It woulb be coherent implementation of functionality and not 2 different ways, like at the present is the fundamental) 

- then you could use paint.net zooming too for smaller objects for to ease the accuracy of perspective editing

- just drag each corner of the picture object for to edit the perspective that you want


I think that proper perspective editing is quite basic feature of image editing, so would be great to have such basic feature (or proper plugin for that) in pain't net too, for to add pictures and textures and text elements into surfaces and sides of base canvas images more effectively and properly. 


Of course more sophisticated feature in perspective editing would be ability to divide object into several division lines and to add handles, for to edit perspective even better (for examples in camera pictures of paintings or similar objects, where object in picture is not straight). 


Maybe The Governor of paint.net architecture of implementation of tools and plugins functionality should plan and design a little bit more. I suppose that easiness to use with minimal effort is the corner stone of paint.net - or is it? 


Edited by minaite
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