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So i was making a logo for my channel but then the brush tool is pixelated, this is annoying to me because i will be trying to make hair all the time. Is their any fix?


Are you certain you are working on the correct size image?

Check the resolution is 96 pixels per inch in the resize dialogue and set the zoom level to 100% - is that the intended size?
If it really is intened to be a small image you may do better to work at double the size then reduce the size when you have finished.
Or use the pencil tool if you are creating 'pixel art'.


Please read through the documentation (press the F1 key while paint.net is open) to learn about the tools.
This tutorial is very useful for learning about resolution.



Red ochre Plugin pack.............. Diabolical Drawings ................Real Paintings



  • toe_head2001 changed the title to Pixelated Brush Problem

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