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That's not the same issue. I'll split it into it's own thread.


System specs?


Paint.net version?


Give us something to work with.....

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That's not the same issue. I'll split it into it's own thread.


System specs?


Paint.net version?


Give us something to work with.....

Windows 7 SP1, trying to install version 4.0.9. I repaired the .NET framework, so that wasn't the issue...

Edited by locksthefox
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Does this error happen at installation, app start, or does it start normally and then crash when you do some task?

Edit; try running sfc / scannow from an elevated command prompt. Here's how


..You may have success running something called SFC (System File Checker). It's a bit arcane, but here's how to do it ...

1. Press the Windows key or click the Start menu/pearl
2. Type CMD and then press Ctrl+Shift+Enter (this will allow it to run with administrator privilege, which SFC requires)
3. Click yes/continue/whatever on the security prompt if it shows up (UAC)

Now you're at the command-line. Be careful, but no need to be scared.

4. To get your bearings, type "sfc /?" (without quotes) and press enter
5. Next, type "sfc /VERIFYONLY" (without quotes) and press enter
6. Wait awhile ...
7. If it displays any errors you will then want to type "sfc /SCANNOW" (without quotes) and then press enter
8. Wait awhile ...

(Technically, steps 4-6 are optional)

If that doesn't help, you will want to find another computer that's running Windows Vista and copy their C:\Windows\FONTS directory into your C:\WIndows\FONTS directory.

Also, I recommend running "chkdsk". You can either brave the command line for this, or do it through My Computer like so:

1. Press Windows Key + E to bring up Windows Explorer. It should already be parked at "My Computer".
2. Right click on your hard drive (it should have a "(C:)" suffix) and click Properties in the menu that comes up
3. Click on the tab named "Tools"
4. There should be a section called "Error checking" with a button labeled "Check now...". Click on the button.
5. Another small dialog will pop up. Click on the "Start" button. You may have to restart your computer to perform the scan, during which you won't be able to use your computer for other stuff. It will tell you if this is necessary.
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Glad it works now :)


It makes sense (to me at least :) ) ... The only reason InvalidOperationException will happen here is if d2d1.dll (Direct2D) can't be loaded. That either happens if you're on Windows Vista/XP (which is blocked much earlier in startup!), or ... the DLL is missing or corrupt or something.

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