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Performing A Sky Swap

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Forgive me if this has been posted and I didn't see it. Even though performing a sky swap like this is easy I was scouring the web trying to find out how to do it in paint.net. And it's just such a pain sometimes when your photo is beautifully exposed for your subjects and your sky gets blown out. Or maybe the sky was grey that day. Either way, you can fix it.

NOTE: This technique creates subtler skies.

First you must find a sky to use. There are several free ones here:


Just go to where it says More --> Freebies. Otherwise find a sky photo elsewhere or use your own.

1) Open your image in which you wish to swap the sky.


2) Find and open a suitable sky image which "matches" your photo.



3) Paste sky into new layer in multiply mode, set layer opacity to around 240. Adjust the sky and the position of the clouds to your taste.


4) Use a transparent gradient to blend in the new sky just below the horizon line.


If you have a very straight horizon line you may skip step 4. Simply crop your sky at the horizon line.

5) Set eraser to 200 width and 27 hardness. Erase the parts of the sky which are covering and creating a haze over objects/subjects in the foreground.


And you're done!



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Very nice happierhannah!   Simple, but effective!!     :)

Edited by lynxster4
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