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Quick Thumbnail Saving

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I'm wonding if there's a way to quickly save a smaller version of an image I'm working on into a .png or other format?


Right now, the image I'm workign on is 6912x3456 px and has 10+ layers. I'd like to be able to rapidly save a .png of the image and whatever layers are active on it.


Right now I have to...

  1. Flatten the image
  2. Resize to 12% of original (maintaining aspect ratio)
  3. Save As .PNG
  4. UNDO all these steps so I can continue working on the full size images and layers.


If there was a way I could shorten this that would be awesome. Alternatively, I could attempt coding a plug in, but I'm not sure where to begin on that...?



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Ctrl+R (Image -> Resize)

Alt+B (By Percentage)



(wait for resize to finish)


Type in new name

Tab, P (to select PNG)

Enter (to save)

Enter (to flatten)

(wait for save to finish)

Ctrl+Z (to undo flattening)


That might not be entirely correct, but you get the idea. Once you know the keyboard shortcuts, lots of things open up and get lots faster.

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Ctrl+R (Image -> Resize)

Alt+B (By Percentage)



(wait for resize to finish)


Type in new name

Tab, P (to select PNG)

Enter (to save)

Enter (to flatten)

(wait for save to finish)

Ctrl+Z (to undo flattening)


That might not be entirely correct, but you get the idea. Once you know the keyboard shortcuts, lots of things open up and get lots faster.

Any ideas on how to automate that?


Is there a guide to extensions out there?

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There is a list of plugins called the Plugin Index. You'll find a link in my signature.


Don't hold your breath for this type of automation - plugins have restrictions on what they can access.

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Instead of flattening, you could use Select All, Copy Merged, then Paste into New Image (which can also be accomplished by the easier: Ctrl+Shift+C followed by Ctrl+Alt+V). Then resize (Ctrl+R) and save (Ctrl+S) the new image. Not great, but perhaps better than modifying the original image.


Only a filetype plugin could do what you want, and as far as I can see from the plugin list, there currently isn't one that does that. (I'm don't know much about filetype plugins, but from what I know, I think one could probably be written to do what you want.)

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