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How to Delete Text??

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I took an image off the internet and added some plain typed text.  Saved the image and used it for a while.  I now want to delete the text I put on the image.  Can't seem to do it.  Would appreciate some help.  Thank you.

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Hello Kolakhan, welcome to the forum!

Unfortunately there isn't too much you can do now ... unless you can find the original image again.
It is always best to place text on its own layer and save as a .Pdn file before flattening and saving in another file type. This makes it easy to change the text at a later date.

You may be able to disguise the area where the current text is by using the clone tool.http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/CloneStamp.html
Then add a new layer above this background and add the new text.

Good luck!

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There's a useful website called TinEye that will search the web for an image. I tried it with an image I'd added text to, and it found the original image. I imagine it's rather hit and miss in doing that, depending on how much the image has been modified, but you might give it a try.

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