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Can't copy and paste into paint.net

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I tried to screencap something by using the "rintscxreen" key as I usually do, but for some reason, paint.net suddenly won't let me paste the screenshot in, only giving me a message saying "The image in the clipboard could not be recognized. Try re-copying it with the original application that was used to capture it."


I have v3/5/2, and I'm using my desktop, which only has Vista, so i can't update to a later version of paint. I also haven't found any posted solutions to this so far. How can I fix this?

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Hello thapoint09,
The forum does'nt support v3.5.* anymore. However, for Vista the latest version available is v 3.5.11. There is a link to a file hippo download in the rules section of the forum.

See rule 8.


I hope that helps. (I run v3.5.11 on my vista machine and have no problems using prtscrn, then new image, then paste).


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