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Saving Image With Erased Background

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When I work & work to erase all of the background away from an image leaving just the image itself, it won't save that way. When I open it up again, I have to erase the background all over again.


Is there a way to save the image with the erased background so that I don't have to erase it over & over again?

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Hello hope7,


You are probably saving your image using a format that does not keep transparency (jpeg, bmp...) If you want to keep the transparent areas you must save it as a png file. 

edit: You got me this time Red ochre,  Argggh

Edited by Eli
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the Save Configuration dialog does a pretty good job of showing you when an image won't have transparency as a result of saving in the format you've chosen

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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