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Question/problem with exact cutting size

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I tried to do a search and find a how-to ... but I lack the right terms for the search to be specific enough, so pls forgive me opening this new thread.

My question / problem is:

I have a picture and want to cut out a special portion of it, and I know beforehand the size of the newly created portion.

Let's say I have a picture of 600x480, and I want to create a little avatar of say 100x100 from it. IN Photoshop I used to define width and height of the cut, before I would start making the selection, and nicely enough the selection tool would stick to these proportions, but here I haven't found such a function yet. Till now I just used my eye to try and get at least the closest proportion possible, then I cut that part out and resized the part to the desired size.

Is there an easier way to do this? E.g. like it's being done in PS?

Again, please forgive me in case it's been written/described somewhere, but there is so much information here, that most of the time I get lost - and as to using the search, sometimes I just can't seem to find the right search words.

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use rectangle selection tool and see where it says selection mode in the bar just above to the right it says normal use the drop down arrow and change to fixed. you can then change the two boxes width and height that pop up. it can be changed from inches to pixels at this spot as well. the selection can then be dragged around your image to portion you want and then just crop.

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Thanks Oma, for this very good hint, I will try this out immediately next time I have to do this!!

Ash: Guess what I've been doing all the time? Reading, reading, reading... but I must admit, I never pressed the F1 button yet, I promise I will try this one as well as soon as I get stuck in working at something!

Thanks to all of you - you are so helpful people! *looking for an applause smiley* ;)

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