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First of all I still could not make the images of background translucent. There was a turorial that said that I just need to select it with the magic wand, then click to the background and delete it. I did that but it did not work. what's more, I tried to upload the image over here so you can see what I am talking about and I do not know how to upload it over here. Plesase first let me know how to upload he image, then how to make the background translucent.

thank you very much,



You need to have a separate image hosting site (such as http://www.photobucket.com/). Upload the image on that site and then use the tag to use the image on the forum.

Try this tut: Cutting out images the easy way

Try this tut: How to use images in your posts, signatures, and avatars.

This is the wrong place for this question though. (That means that it will probably be moved. Next time, please read the forum rules before you post ANYTHING.)

Have a great day!


I think this would be better in the GD&Q...

but to answer your questions:

1: Upload a picture by creating an account on Photobucket and uploading it onto that site. Then, go to the image you want in your album and click the text box labeled "IMG Code." Paste the text that is copied into your forum post. It will show up as an image.

2: As for your transparent problem, use the magic wand to select areas you want to delete then press Delete, not Backspace. That might be your problem. If not, use your new-found image-posting power and show us what you need :wink:.

Edit: Wow, drew, you're fast. I didn't even have time to complete my post :|.


Ok, I try to include the images in my post. All I want with this images is to create a translucent background, so I can copy past it, just like I am there myself and no background. I try to figure it out for a while now how to this...



I used the image tag from my previous reply and the image did not appear in my message, but only the image code...

How to upload the image with the code? Can anyone help me please?

The images I am tryng to post here in the forum are on the webpage:http://www.juliasandor.com/paint.html


I edited your above post for you as an example.

For CIMG0449.png

I am not a mechanism, I am part of the resistance;

I am an organism, an animal, a creature, I am a beast.

~ Becoming the Archetype


Ok, I try to make the background of this image translucent. Then later, when I am real good at it, I will try to ad different backgrounds to the image itself, such as different colours, city skylines, oceans, etc.

any quick reccomondation about translucency and layers in general? I don't seem to ge the layers...



Yeah, with images like the ones you've posted where there's a world in the background (not a "studio shot" with a solid backdrop), the Magic Wand won't work too well on its own. That's why drew suggested the Cutting Out Images the Easy Way tutorial, as that method entails the creation of a solid outline on a new layer which is much more Magic Wand friendly.

As far as the concept of layers are concerned, if you've not yet already, give the PDN documentation a readthrough. It's got a section on layers right here:

http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/en/L ... Modes.html

If you need further explanation beyond the help docs, just let us know, and we'll try to break it down as much as necessary.

I am not a mechanism, I am part of the resistance;

I am an organism, an animal, a creature, I am a beast.

~ Becoming the Archetype


Hi whoever cut out that thing! I am overly excited for the cutout picture! I would love to do it myself and then i will celebrate finally!

Thank you so much!

By the way i am going to the Grove School of Engineering and that was named after Andrew Grove, founder of Intel corporation. I have the same culturl heritage, hungarian.



I did go to the tutorial you guys reccomended me about the easy cutouts. I followed the steps exactly. However I was not able to cut out the pictures the same way you cut out my pictures.

this is what I did:

1.First I opened the picture

2.I added a new layer

3. I cut it with the color and selected with the magic wand. Step 1-3 was very succesful. however when I tried to select the background and hit the delete key it just did not erase that thing.

I repeated the steps a couple of times, but when I want to earase the background it's just in't happening,

Any suggestions?



Try selecting the original layer and unchecking the visibility box in the cutout layer befor you press delete. Hope this helps!


Click on my signature image for my gallery | hmmmm...

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