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How to set the size of an object?

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First thing first: Newbie alert! :oops:

Is there a way to precisely set the size of an object, like painting a square which is exactly 1 inch?

I've tried it with a new layer set to the appropriate size, but still can't paint the square in a way that it's outline lies on the layer border.


---Dirk Bock

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right at the bottom of Paint.NET there are two numbers that change every time you move the cursor. i would just put your cursor wheveryou wantthe square to start. Then move your cursor till the number is exactly 1 inch more than the original number.

Hope that helps.

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There's 3 ways (that i can think right now) to acheive this.

Here it goes:


Go to Resize image and resize it to the desire size


- Create a new file with the dimensions you want (for this example let's stick with 1"). I'll asume the image you have will be reduced, therefore the new file you create will have smaller dimensions.

- Open the image you want to reduce.

- Use Move Tool :MoveTool: to select the entire image. (one click over it)

- Copy the image to the previous file that has 1".

- Choose the option 'Keep Canvas Size'.


- Open the image you want to reduce.

- Use Move Tool :MoveTool: to select the entire image. (one click over it)

- Again using :MoveTool: drag the nubs to the dimension you want. (on the status bar there's the dimensions in pixels as you drag.)

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