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Feature Suggestion: Image Stage Saving

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Feature Suggestion: Image Stage Saving

This is quite hard to explain, but basically I am suggesting an option that would make Paint.NET, when the save button is pressed, also save a copy in a subdirectory labelled with the image's name in an "oldimgs" subdirectory of the Paint.NET folder labelled with the date and time the image was saved.

This would allow people to work on a project and revert to an old version at any time in any session, without using Save-As to save each time.

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Sometimes i give my drawings numbers when i save them. And then I increase the number now and then to keep older versions, if I am doing some experimenting that I might not want to keep.

So, yes, a second “save” button that puts a number after the file name, and increases it from the previous.

But I fear two save buttons would bee more confusing. I se it as a “nice to have” But not top priority. I am quite satisfied doing this by hand.

My DA: http://leif-j.deviantart.com/


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