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Everything posted by Daniels

  1. Congrats to Skullbonz and all the rest of you! I'm a little disappointed that I forgot to vote this round... Such great entries. Thanks to Drew for hosting
  2. Alrightey folks, the entries are all in and it's time to vote. You have until Sep. 6 at 11:59 PM to cast votes for the three entries you like best. Thanks to all who entered, and good luck
  3. Awesome new perfume bottle, Pixey! The big companies should start using your designs (I'll make some calls )
  4. Thank you! I was a bit bummed that I didn't get anything turned out for this one. Now I have the time
  5. Wow, Red, that's a lot to take in all at once... I nearly had an art attack! But seriously, your stuff is absolutely amazing. I look through and see little additions from your plugins, but mostly I'm thinking, "How does he do that?" Keep up the awesome work!
  6. Very nice! The rubber stamp looks particularly realistic
  7. Congrats to Pixey, CC, Bonz, Nai, and Nitenurse! great set of entries this round. And thanks to chimay and Drew for their professional tag-team hosting
  8. Wow! Awesome new image. The odd crackly look near the large planet looks like a rift in time or something. Very impressive
  9. #34 The theme for this round is: Paints store (Chosen by CC4fuzzyhuggles) Design a logo or advert for a shop that sells paints of all colours. The more colourful, the better All entries are due in by Saturday, August 30th at 11:59 PM EST. World Time Conversion Thanks in advance to all who enter, and may the odds be ever in your favor! _______________________________________________________ Rules: Approximately 2 weeks will be given for entries, and 1 week for voting. The winner of the previous round decides on the theme for the next round, as well as whether or not stocks may be used If stock images are used, include any and all links to the source(s). Please do not violate copyright laws. Only one entry per person. However, entries may be edited until the competition is closed. Max. image size is 800x600 pixels. _______________________________________________________ This thread is for entries only. If you have questions/comments about any of the entries, or about the competition itself, please visit the Discussion Thread. _______________________________________________________ Special thanks to WelshBlue for running this competition in the past, and for the rules template.
  10. Nice to see you popping back in :)

    1. pdnnoob


      Just been out of reach of technology for a bit is all. No worries, I haven't left you guys yet!

  11. Alright, the votes are in! Our winners this week: Pixey and CC with 10 votes Seerose and Nai with 8 votes Congrats, and thanks to those who entered. I'll PM Pixey and CC for a topic, and we'll get the next round started ASAP.
  12. Valley Views is quite an impressive work, Goon. Gives a feeling of loneliness.
  13. Wildly impressive new works, good sir I always enjoy popping by and seeing what you've come up with.
  14. You can either update by looking under the "Help" menu and checking for updates, or you can download fresh from getpaint.net
  15. Love the new images, Bonz. Very intricate, and layered quite nicely
  16. Words cannot express how amazing that is...(especially my words... I'm not particularly eloquent ) I'll have to show my sister tomorrow. I'm sure she'll love it. That 10 months was absolutely worth it
  17. Alright, it's time to keep the train heading down the track. You may vote for up to three entries this round. Entries are due by Saturday the 16 at 11:59 PM EST (time conversion up top). Thanks to those of you who entered, and good luck!
  18. Congrats Pixey, Riddley, Drew, and Nai! And thanks to Drew for guest-hosting
  19. Wonderful new glossy, Helen. The shine around the outside is a wonderful touch
  20. Really like your work here, Riddley. You've got some skill. Keep it up
  21. I've always found that the Alpha mask plugin was the best way to get smooth text. Just type the text in black, copy the layer to the clip board, and run the plugin on the layer with the gradient. Make sure the "Invert Mask" button is checked. The post says the plugin compilation is incompatible with 4.0, but I just tested and it works just fine.
  22. Love the newest stuff, Pixey. The gloss and waviness in the baubles are really cool. And, once again, I'm amazed at your ability with portraits! It looks very similar to the guide photo you used. Molto Belle!
  23. Dawning and reticence are both amazing pieces of art. Dawning just gives the idea of waking up early to start a hard day's work. Very nice
  24. There have been some awesome new additions since I was here last. The wagon image is especially impressive
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