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Everything posted by TrevorOutlaw

  1. That would be great! I remember submitting similar request for refreshing plug-ins instead of having to restart PDN. I know Gimp offer a way of doing that but I don't want Gimp. I want PDN.
  2. My first ever entry... Stock used.
  3. As an occasional photographer, I cannot stress enough to invest in quality, sturdy tripod. I know you mentioned shoreline and lugging around tripod is cumbersome, there is also monopod if you are interested, but it makes a noticeable difference when photographing.
  4. Without seeing your source image(s) and your layers in Paint.NET, I can only give you hints. Below my signatures is a link to a tutorial that shows how to separate foreground from background. That being said, to achieve what you are hoping to do, it is strongly encouraged to take advantage of layers. Let say you have two persons that you want to manipulate. What I would do is place Person A on Layer 1, separated from the background, and place Person B on Layer 2. That way, you can do what you wish to do in PDN.
  5. Aw, thanks, man. ----------------------------- Taking a break from photomanipulation. Saw an abstract metal tutorial and decided to give it my own twist, on page 1.
  6. Just for funnies, I looked online for a converter and found one via rapidtables.com, and entered the hex code (#68B53F). The HSV values given was 99, 65.2, 71.0. As you can see, the Values are slightly different from what you have given. Hence, there are rounding errors taking place behind the scene. I believe @toe_head2001 is correct. Also, there tend to be a difference in monitors. Example, I have the iMac and the green color are slightly sharper whereas on the extended monitor using Thunderbolt to HDMI converter, the green color is slightly muted.
  7. I have to move the dialog boxes all the time. It's second nature to me, and I don't see it as a big deal. I typically work on large canvas to do photomanipulations, and having watched more than 10 YouTube videos of Photoshop users doing photomanipulations, even they move the dialog box around to gain better view.
  8. @Creed31, in this video below, I tried to answer a question for someone, but I wanted to see if it's similar to what you are asking.
  9. One important to thing to bear in mind: Paint.NET cannot clean up the image if you "upscale" the image. See this tutorial that explains how CSI lied to you.
  10. Also very useful for launch space art. Like @welshblue said, it is also useful as starting point to create texture. He would know as he is a master of making textures, including wood.
  11. I am getting a kick out of this. Look closer. It is an aquarium. This might end up being part of something bigger in mind. Maybe.
  12. One day, I'll like to make a steampunk work. One day. Thanks. Is she going to get run over or is it all a dream? 🤔 I seem to remember that train. Thank you! Choo-choo! ______________________ Whimsical...I actually had fun with this one. It's just a quick and dirty work, nothing serious.
  13. The easiest way would be to use the selection tool, rectangle select, and draw a box around the image you have. Then use the crop tool.
  14. Thanks, @Pixey. I just ran the plugin and saw it. Didn't realize it was there.
  15. I feel like I am asking a dumb question, so here goes. I finally downloaded the ShapeMaker plug-in so I can create masks. I would like to know if it is possible to copy an object from a layer, launch ShapeMaker on a transparent layer, and use the clipboard as a background for me to create my shapes. What I like about ShapeMaker is I can finally create masks similar to how some Photoshoppers use the pen tool to create path to mask out unwanted object(s). I don't know why it took me so long to download and use it.
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