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  1. I'm just making some images for my YouTube videos like I usually do, but something horrible has happened. Every time I use the zoom in function it scrolls to the right-bottom corner for no reason, so I have to manually go back to the image, this is so annoying. Does anyone have a solution to this? This never happened before, it just started happening when I downloaded the latest update.
  2. This worked perfectly, thanks a lot for the help. Now I can just start my projects right away without having to worry about this anymore.
  3. Alright, I'm sick and tired of having to disable the antalising in the paintbrush, having to change the font to arial and changing the quality from bilinear to nearest neigborhood when using the moving tool every single time I use Paint.Net. Is there any way to change the default settings so it will be that way every time I start a new project? The fact that I have to do all of this every time I open Paint.Net is frustrating. By the way, the version of Paint.NET I have is 4.0.3 for anyone wondering.
  4. Thanks a ton, that really helped a lot. Oh and I enabled embedding so you guys can see the video now.
  5. Every single time I move an image it filters, I have to copy the image to MSPaint and then copy it back to Paint.NET to make sure it isn't filtered, it's so annoying. Is any way to stop the images from filtering?
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