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Everything posted by EvErest

  1. Hi I'm looking for a specific signature tutorial, I read it was the most wanted one... now I did found it a couple of weeks ago and did this Unfortunately I forgot to bookmark it and pretty much everything about it so can anyone help me? Thanks in advance.
  2. This is the most awesome tutorial I've seen here, and i have seen a lot (as a guest, not as a member of the forum)... and this is my try http://prntscr.com/9jga2 I combined it with jerry's Sun Tutorial http://forums.getpai...4-sun-tutorial/ plus I did a little change with the clouds, I duplicated the layer and inverted the colors in the bottom one, so it gave it a little gray in some spots... I also added a little shadow, which may or may not made it cooler Oh and Excelerate, thanks for the idea for the for a dying planet http://prntscr.com/9jggb I just adjusted Sepia to the shores and water and instead of a blue color scheme I used red EDIT: I just made this http://prntscr.com/9jph0 with a moon based on your planet... just changed some colors and gave it a little detail and voila
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