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Everything posted by LeChatNoir

  1. As the headline says, this isnt a request to get raw into the bin, i know its on the ETA, but.. now that my shoot is over, how do i acces the pics to work with them in this format? I know converting em' into a JPG from another client might work ( my program accesses the files, so i assume it wont be a problem ) but I'd rather avoid that method, as I want to experiment with RAW and get to know it. And yes, I know, i should have checked, but now that i didnt, i'd love tips on how to access the codec, preferebly with Paint.net as ive used this for 5 years and is familiar with it, but.. can this be done? If not, i'd appreciate any help leading to other solutions. Kind regards Simon Ps. Dear Dev's, plz dont take this the wrong way, your software is a perfect program for a small time photographer, but the RAW support is needed, seriously - just a friendly bump at the be-hind. S. PS. I want to show you my work, every one of these pictures has been produced with a Canon SLR ( EOS 350D - Kiss n rebel ) and.. *fanfare* Paint.net - feel free to browse =)
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