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Everything posted by jim100361

  1. Here's the workaround I use when the drop shadow doesn't exactly work for my needs. What I have done in instances like this is to duplicate my subject (duplicate the layer), then under Adjustments, I use the brightness/contrast to make my duplicate layer completely black (you may even wish to first make the duplicate black and white). Once this is done, I can now use this as my shadow by simply applying gaussian blur to it. If you have trouble getting it fully black (even after converting it to black and white) hit it with the paintbucket in black on the white areas. By using this method, you can even set the drop shadow further back from the subject than what the plugin permits. For instance if you have a subject suspended mid-air (like text) you can have the text closer in the foreground and the shadow further back in the background.
  2. OK, here's mine: Here are the sources: http://upload.wikime...7/79/Tweety.png http://2.bp.blogspot.../bugs-bunny.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot...UDD+300+DPI.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot...orn+Leghorn.png http://images.wikia....2/DaffyDuck.jpg http://farm4.staticf..._4735bede6e.jpg http://openwalls.com...ter_the_cat.jpg http://www.mannahatt...ES_LOGO_001.jpg EDIT: Removed 2 links of images I downloaded but never used in the piece.
  3. I should caution you that if before you paste your screenshot to your application, if by chance you copy a line of text for example (highlighting text and pressing the Ctrl + C key combination) from something, it too goes to the clipboard and will essentially erase/overwrite the screenshot. So ensure that you paste the image before copying anything else.
  4. Back in the early days of desktop PCs the Prt Sc (or Print Screen - depending upon your keyboard) did precisely that, it would send the image directly to your printer. These days it holds the image in a memory location. So when you take a screenshot, the method of retrieving it is to paste your image into your application (Ctrl + V key combination).
  5. This could very well be the root of your problem. Unless you can successfully complete this to ensure your system files haven't become corrupt, I do not know where we can go from here to fix your issue especially since you say you've tried everything else.
  6. Nature's Edit is a very cool piece - tranquil and yet a sort of a clean and invigorating feel of an early morning (I suppose it could be a sunset, but it feels more like morning to me).
  7. Thank you ladies for the kind words and encouragement. I don't know when I'll do another drawing. It's been quite a long time. I think the one of my Dad was probably the last one I ever did. I don't know if I can translate those sorts of drawings into PDN. Maybe sometime I'll give it a try, but I don't suspect it'll be anytime soon. But, I appreciate the support and encouragement nonetheless. EDIT: After watching Yellowman's video tutorial for creating flexible pipe, I had to have a go at it:
  8. Very cool. I think the 2 that EER mentioned are probably my 2 favorites. Thanx for sharing.
  9. Did you run sfc (system file checker) from the command prompt?
  10. Thanks Dug. Well it's certainly is where I tend to focus my "creativity" in art. It's not that I'm incapable of creating by hand, I just have a hard time translating things I can do by hand to something like paint.net. Here's some examples of some old stuff I've done: My Dad: Bill Cosby: Lionel Richie: You can see that a couple date back to '83. At any rate, these were done using a #2 pencil (I never learned to use Charcoal). In drawing, I can feel the amount of pressure I'm applying w/my pencil to the lines and shades and I lose that in Paint.net. I think it's much more difficult (at least it is for me) to do these in paint.net. I am truly amazed at those who can pull it off though. A thousand kudos goes out to those who can.
  11. Is it possible he says that because he's jealous and doesn't want to be overshadowed? j/k At any rate, congratulations and may I say "Welcome back!"? P.S. I guess it's time for you to get busy downloading all those great plugins again!
  12. I am something, they call me a "member" (and sometimes other things behind my back ).
  13. What I am about to suggest is only to be done at your own discretion. If you do not feel comfortable, even in the least about doing it, then don't do it. This is only recommended as a "last ditch effort". Since I cannot do this for you, nor can I physically ensure that you remove precisely what I decribe below, I cannot assume any responsibility for your system. So this is your chance to ignore this post and seek an alternative fix. So if others, after reading this, have/has another suggestion for this individual, please provide it. Simply put, my suggestion would be to stop Windows from recognizing that Paint.net has been previously installed so that you can re-install it. First ensure that the Paint.net directory is indeed gone. So you would first navigate to the location, and if the folder exists, then delete it. Once you've ensured that it is physically gone in its entirety because you've removed the directory, then use Regedit to search through your entire registry and remove all instances of Paint.net. Regedit has a built-in search capabilities. Press "Ctrl" + "F" to open the search window w/in. Type in "Paint.net" (you must be precise here. Don't type "paint.net" or any other possible variation as you may miss several entries throughout the registry) in the given field. Now begin your search. Once you've found your first reference -it will be highlighted, delete it by right-clicking on it and selecting "Delete". Then press the "F3" key to continue to search for your next reference. Of course, before doing so you should back-up your registry first - do this by going to the menu under "File" and choose "Export". If you are successful in finding and removing all those references, try re-booting your computer. You should then be able to re-install Paint.net since Windows should not recognize that it's ever been previously installed because you've removed it (its references) from the registry. I repeat what I previously stated before, if you're not the least bit comfortable about doing this, then don't do it. If you have some friend that is very knowledgeable about computers, then maybe ask them to do it for you. EDIT: As an alternative to the above, since you've installed CCleaner, you can click on the "Registry" tab and let it analyze the registry to see if it finds the invalid references to Paint.net. If or when it does, ensure that only those references that we are after (related specifically to "Paint.net") are checked off. Once you've done that, go ahead with cleaning it and backing it up when it prompts you. After this is done, try re-installing. If this is unsuccessful, then maybe attempt what I previously prescribed.
  14. Did you use the "Prt Sc" key to obtain your screenshot? If you did, it should copy it to the computers clipboard. Once this is done, all you have to do is open Paint.net and then use the "Ctrl" + "V" key combination to paste it onto the Paint.net canvas. Paint.net will (usually) then ask if you want to expand the canvas. Confirm this, and you should now have your picture of the website. You can now edit and/or crop and save in your desired (and supported) image format.
  15. How's your knowledge of manually editing the registry, and getting around in the folders of your computer?
  16. Sorry, but I'm having a hard time trying to understand what you're trying to accomplish. Am I to understand that you have layers of images, and you wish to print only one of these after it has been rotated? Aside from this, don't forget everything you do in paint.net is essentially recorded as shown on the history panel. Make whatever adjustments you wish and to undo any or all click somewhere back in the history to a particular state the image was in previously.
  17. To maintain the original aspect of your images, use your "Shift" key while resizing them.
  18. As an alternative to providing the large sized file, reduce it to an acceptable size, and save under a different name so that you don't overwrite the larger file. Then you can upload to your favorite image hosting site, and provide us an image to better see what may be transpiring.
  19. You should start out with the canvas size defined as you desire and blank (or white). Import each picture on a new layer and resize each image (as shown in the link I provided before). If you otherwise choose to use the Image Resize option, you will likewise change the canvas size, so it is important you change the images my manual manipulation. You should then be able to fit each image onto the canvas.
  20. The short answer to this is that it doesn't unless the user intervened somehow. My guess is that Paint.net saved it in it's native format (.pdn) as it would normally try to do if the work has layers to it (EDIT: I'm making an assumption here because you stated, "saving the file all I remember was that it asked me what quality I wanted to save my picture" and did not indicate it asked you to flatten the image). You may have appended the file for example with the file extension ".jpg", but the data within the actual file (Paint.net's native filetype) does not match with the extension you've added, and so they can't open it. Now that I've explained what is likely transpiring, try adding the ".pdn" file extension to your files and see if Paint.net opens it.
  21. You probably have to resize the individual pictures you are importing. Have a look here and see if this will help you: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/23716-screen-not-centered/
  22. I agree, I love this feature. I wouldn't have been able to have made the puzzle picture I did awhile ago without it. Don't drop it, P-L-E-A-S-E
  23. Nice job NN. I like the image selection you chose as well...something about the view angle of it that I like.
  24. Try this "Apply Texture" plugin (the original screenshots are missing, but if you scroll down to the 8th posting in that thread, you can see the effects of the plugin): http://forums.getpai...showtopic=19666
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