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Everything posted by zorgster

  1. How to update Paint.NET when asked for a missing MSI in the Staging folder: Find out the version that is installed. - Mine is version 3.5.5 Go to File Hippo and download your current version. You need to unpack the MSI from the downloaded EXE... run from a cmd.exe window (or Start Run): Paint.NET.3.5.5.Install.exe /createMsi CHECKFORBETAS=0 DESKTOPSHORTCUT=0 Open the folder created on your desktop, PaintDotNetMsi, and rename the filePaintDotNet.x86.msi (or x64.msi) to PaintDotNet_753582080.msi or whatever filename Windows Installer is asking for. (not really necessary to rename it...) Copy the MSI to C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\Staging Re-run the Paint.NET update - or uninstaller. Oliver
  2. The filename is not always the same ... and the MSI is version specific. I tried renaming one for 3.5.7 to uninstall 3.5.5 and that won't work. Perhaps you could supply a link to FileHippo.com from where you can download EXE installers for past versions... or have a page off the downloads page where users can download the relevant extracted x86 or x64 MSI installer for an older version ... I would add that the name of the MSI is NOT important .. it is the content of the file. If you are asked for C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\Staging\PaintDotNet_753582080.msi and you point it to C:\Data\PaintDotNet.x86.msi ... so long as that MSI is the same version as your installed version, then it will recognise it... Oliver
  3. How to update Paint.NET when asked for a missing MSI in the Staging folder: Find out the version that is installed. - Mine is version 3.5.5 Go to File Hippo and download your current version. You need to unpack the MSI from the downloaded EXE... run from a cmd.exe window (or Start Run): Paint.NET.3.5.5.Install.exe /createMsi CHECKFORBETAS=0 DESKTOPSHORTCUT=0 Open the folder created on your desktop, PaintDotNetMsi, and rename the filePaintDotNet.x86.msi to PaintDotNet_753582080.msi or whatever filename Windows Installer is asking for. Copy the MSI to C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\Staging Re-run the Paint.NET update - or uninstaller. Whilst this issue is occuring it might be a good idea to supply the MSIs for previous x86 installations so that people with the problem can download them, rename them and add them to the Staging folder... (cutting out some of these above steps) Oliver
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