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Kayreeed Caliburn

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Posts posted by Kayreeed Caliburn

  1. Make sure you added the new layer before you use the gradient tool. Other than that, you appear to be right on track. Just open up the layer properties and pick a layer blend mode that looks right. After that, use the alpha mask plugin to remove the extraneous portions.

    So...what did you do at step 7c? How did you cut the shape?

  2. My bad...emboss is supposed to be on the sword layer. The one with the visibility unchecked is your alpha mask which, at this point, could be deleted (but I wouldn't just yet...just in case)

    The only place where I see your primary/secondary colors being an issue is for the gradient. In that case, you want the middle to be white.

    So I flatten the image without checking the visibility?

  3. Here's a paint.net translation of the tutorial:

    1-3. no change --Make sure the end of the sword that will be pointy is right up against the edge of the canvas. Scroll down for details.

    4. use perspective plugin to duplicate the effect

    5-6. replace with flatten image, then "invert colors"

    7. This one, I will split into a few steps some sub-steps removed

    a. Make an alpha mask of your blade. By this, I mean duplicate the layer and use "brightness/contrast" to make it completely black or white, then hit "ctrl+a" then "ctrl+c" and uncheck the layer visibility. You may wish to save this in a different file just in case.

    b. Run "emboss" on the layer from whatever angle you wish, then use the alpha mask plugin with "paste from selection" checked.

    c. (Optional) Add a new layer on top and make a circular gradient from white to black. Try to offset this slightly from the middle of the sword, and make the outer edge reach at least the end of the sword. Use the alpha mask from before to cut it into the shape of your sword, then play with the layer blend mode a bit.

    d. flatten image

    e. Use the AA's_Assistant plugin twice to remove the ugly outline around the blade.

    8-8a. no change. Make sure you use the alpha mask on the layer you ran motion blur on. Also, 25% opacity is approximately 64 in the paint.net layer properties window.

    9-10. You will be making your line on a white layer rather than on a transparent one. Blur the line slightly if you wish. Run emboss from 90 degrees. Play with the layer properties some more. I would try glow or overlay as layer blend modes. Lower the opacity as desired. Use the alpha mask again to remove excess materials.

    11. no change

    12. Flatten image

    13. If needed, run the AA's_Assistant plugin again

    You now have your blade!

    I really didn't like the handle in the tutorial, so I won't post a translation unless you really want it.

    EDIT: I wrote this without testing at all, so if anything doesn't look right, let me know and I'll find a solution ;)

    EDIT2: Removed some extra steps and edited some steps to remove confusion. Changes are in red.

    Is the emboss on the visibility unchecked layer?

    And is black the secondary colour or the primary and vice versa for white?

  4. Sorry about that...that wasn't the plugin that I intended to reference, but as it turns out, it works a ton better! :lol:

    What you will have to do is move the sword so that the end is up against the right or left edge. That way, after you cut the tip to a new layer, you can set the plugin to "horizontal trapezoid". All this plugin will be for is getting the angle right and sharpening the tip. You can adjust it to fit afterwards using the move pixels tool.

    One thing to note is that the plugin will only work properly for you if you have your blade centered vertically. There is a plugin for this called "Align Object" that I would highly recommend downloading. I don't know what I would do without it =O

    I can't get it to pointy?

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