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Everything posted by null54

  1. Release version 1.0.3. This release is for Paint.NET 5.0.11+. Changes: Updated the plugin to use Paint.NET's built-in JPEG FileType for loading and saving. Improved performance when saving. Use random file names for the temporary files. Fixed a compatibility issue with certain jpegtran builds.
  2. It is present in the list of FileTypes, so it is just missing the bundled tag.
  3. For reference the plugin @John Peter is referring to is: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/7216-camera-lens-distortion-correction It still works in Paint.NET 5.0.11. The installed plugin is located in the Effects menu under Photos > Lens distortion. It was released on December 11, 2007, one day before Paint.NET 3.20. The fact that most older plugins continue to work shows how much effort @Rick Brewster puts into backwards compatibility.
  4. Release version 1.0.5. Changes: Convert XYB encoded images to sRGB when loading. Fixed saving images with embedded color profiles.
  5. This plugin does not use any Microsoft code. As I mentioned in my previous post you can try changing the plugin's import settings in RawFileTypeOptions.txt. I would try removing the -w option and see if that makes a difference. It also could just be a difference with how the camera rendered the thumbnail image from the raw data, many raw image formats include a thumbnail image that Windows Explorer can use for its thumbnail views. This prevents Windows from having to decode the raw image to display those thumbnails.
  6. The options for this plugin are configured in RawFileTypeOptions.txt. The only default option I can think of that may cause an auto-enhance effect is the camera white balance option (-w), but I could be wrong about that.
  7. The layers window has keyboard shortcuts for selecting layers, e.g. Alt + Page Up to move to the next layer up in the document. See https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/KeyboardMouseCommands.html#36
  8. It sounds like the feature you need is the ability to protect a layer from modification. Photoshop calls this locking a layer, see https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/using/moving-stacking-locking-layers.html#lock_layers. Photoshop's layer locking has a few different modes that can be used individually or in combination with one another: Restricting the editing tools to modifying opaque pixels. Preventing the editing tools from modifying the layer contents, this appears to be a superset of the first option. Preventing the selection tools from moving the layer contents. Photoshop also has a Lock All option, from the description it sounds like it does all of the above plus locking the layer's opacity, blend mode and other properties.
  9. I am using the Paint.NET IBitmap<ColorBgra32> for 64-bit filters, and the WIC equivalent for 32-bit filters. The bitmap pooling sounds like a plausible explanation for that behavior.
  10. The winget packages are maintained independently of Paint.NET, you should file an issue in the winget-pkgs repository: https://github.com/microsoft/winget-pkgs
  11. Not possible, see https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/14566-what-is-and-isnt-possible-when-writing-plugins/.
  12. You need to update to Paint.NET 5.0.11.
  13. Release version 2.0.6. Changes: Fixed a bug when checking if the layer is blank. Fixed a crash if the source and destination image use a different stride. Fixed a crash when showing error messages. @frio All of those issues should be fixed. I can't use RegionPtr<T> because PSFilterShim does not depend on Paint.NET. I fixed the issue by copying one row at a time when the stride doesn't match. Although, I do not know why the stride would not match in this case as both images are IBitmap<ColorBgra32> and the same size.
  14. It appeared to work when I tried it, but I am already on the server.
  15. The Paint.NET server invite is https://discord.gg/2bHA9HgKyY That link was posted by @Rick Brewster in the following thread: Despite the topic name there are more channels than just the plugin development one. Perhaps one of the mods/admins can make that invite easier to find than having it hidden away in Plugin Developer's Central.
  16. The Paint.NET Effects folder is always added to the search list, this occurs before it even tries to load the other search directories from that XML file. It also always searches the subdirectories of the Effects folder for 8bf filters. I don't have very many plugins installed in my Paint.NET Effects folder, but I do have a few Photoshop filters and shortcuts to Photoshop filters that are included as part of the Effects folder search. I doubt it would crash, it would just take a bit longer. The Paint.NET 5.0 versions of PSFilterPdn should be much faster with the directory searching than version and earlier. I will have to investigate to see if there is anything I can do to make it faster with folders that contain a large number of subdirectories/files.
  17. I fixed the crash, but I have no idea why that value was null. Release version 2.0.5. Changes: Fixed a crash when loading the plugin settings.
  18. Release version 2.0.4. Changes: Fixed a bug in the native interop code.
  19. Release version 2.0.3. Changes: Fixed the issue with the color button in the Aldus Gallery Effects Neon Edges filter. Changed the plugin icon and added an icon for 125% DPI. Improved performance when running 32-bit filters. Allow plugins to read the IPTC caption. Use WIC and Direct2D for the filter preview rendering. The transparency checkerboard in the filter preview now matches Paint.NET. Note that the plugin is now installed into is own sub-folder within the Paint.NET Effects folder.
  20. What is "Helium virtualisation", is that some kind of sandbox environment? Do you have a crash log?
  21. Release version 1.12.8. Changes: Added support for loading a legacy DDS variant used by S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl.
  22. Release version 1.0.10. Changes: Updated RIOT to version 2023.9.1.0
  23. Release version 1.12.7. Changes: Fixed saving in the BC5 signed format.
  24. As a workaround you can download the offline installer from GitHub: https://github.com/paintdotnet/release/releases/latest
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