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Posts posted by D3T0N4T0R

  1. @B00k W0rm,

    That actually isn't half bad for a newbie. Just next time maybe change the way the curves are done. (As in the actual adjustment, the shape is fine :P)

    EDIT: Now that I look at it a bit more, it looks as though you used a conical gradient - I wondered if my explaining was detailed enough :P But I'd be interested to know how you did it.

    Now on with moi!

    After Step 10, I kinda forgot about the tutorial (:P Typical me), so I added my own stuff after that. But it looks as though I did pretty much what was written boltbait.roll.png

    My outcome:


  2. Everytime you want to fool the FBI into thinking your chicken is cooked when it's really sitting on the bench defrosting.

    LOL! Love that one! But then again, how often do you actually use anything in these forums, apart from the photo touch-ups?I know I do most of it for fun...boltbait.wink.png

    And, to be honest, I actually prefer the first outcome, Ash.

    btw, how did the photographer get the photo?

  3. That. Is. AWESOME! I've been trying to figure out how to do this for a while- thanks for the tut!boltbait.big_smile.pngboltbait.mrblue.pngboltbait.mrcyan.pngboltbait.mrgreen.pngboltbait.mrred.pngboltbait.mrviolet.png

    My Result:

    (Click for the big version)

    EDIT: Doesn't seem to be showing up. Didn't even realise that I'd attempted this. :P Soooooo, Here's my (slightly more recent) one:


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