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Everything posted by skyoxZ

  1. The description of "Tolerance Alpha Mode" is so long that I think users may not have enough patience and time to read (the tip is displayed for only a few seconds). How about moving the descriptions of Premultiplied and Straight to the tips of specific options.
  2. @Rick Brewster Thank you. I made some mistakes. Please recheck all strings in top 2 pages of Chinese Simplified Translations with that Date Changed filter.
  3. It would be great if there's a filter for me to find all approved 0-vote translations not translated by me. Any suggestion? ps: Sorry for downvoting your translations. I was trying using "Need to be voted" filter, but it seems not practical.
  4. A simple translation advice of "overscroll": Scolling past the edge of the image (overscroll) - Chinese (Simplified) 滚动时超越画布边界
  5. Seems not work. Edit: It works when putting the new empty layer below the current one. Thank you
  6. Here is how I get the issue: In a new layer, I draw something and adjust the color using Brightness, Invert Colors, Delete or something else (the selection contains what I want to adjust and it also contains some full-transparent pixels which I thought it not matter to select them too). I have many layers like that. When merging these layers, I get a layer with some full-transparent but different-RGB pixels. Now I want to select all visible pixels in the merged layer (because I want to cut off the part of the canvas which doesn't contains anything). It seems like the best way is to select all of the full-transparent pixels and then Invert Selection, but it's not easy to do that.
  7. Sorry I don't know how to move my thread(http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/108355-two-zero-alpha-aeras-are-treated-separately/), so I post it again: paint.net 4.0.9 When using Magic Wand with a low tolerance (2%, for example) in a transparent white area, the adjacent transparent black area will not be selected. Paint Bucket has the same issue. I reported the issue 1 year ago (http://forums.getpai...ted-separately/) but it has not been fixed yet. I decompiled the program, and It seems that the issue is at PaintDotNet.Tools.FloodFill.FloodFillAlogrithm.GetDistance in PaintDotNet.exe. Wonder it is a bug or feature?
  8. Technically, I'm not sure it is good to think color #FFFFFF00 equals color #00000000 but I believe the distance between two 0-Alpha colors should be 0.
  9. Transparent white color = set the Alpha value of White to 0 Transparent black color = set the Alpha value of Black to 0
  10. paint.net 4.0.9 When using Magic Wand with a low tolerance (2%, for example) in a transparent white area, the adjacent transparent black area will not be selected. Paint Bucket has the same issue. I reported the issue 1 year ago (http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/31721-two-zero-alpha-aeras-are-treated-separately/) but it has not been fixed yet. I decompiled the program, and It seems that the issue is at PaintDotNet.Tools.FloodFill.FloodFillAlogrithm.GetDistance in PaintDotNet.exe. Wonder it is a bug or feature?
  11. After some tests, I believe the tool does consider Alpha channel.
  12. paint.net 4.0.5 When using Magic Wand with a low tolerance (2%, for example) in a transparent white area, the adjacent transparent black area will not be selected. Paint Bucket has the same issue.
  13. When building DLL, in source code, some strings are always "Untitled" such as AssemblyProduct(Untitled), namespace(UntitledEffect), class(UntitledEffectPlugin). As a result, paint.net gets an issue when loading more than one plugins created by CodeLab.
  14. Current font seems not clear. Language: zh-cn
  15. CodeLab 2.1 with paint.net 4.0.5288 has the same issue. I get some details if helpful: When running CodeLab, a thread is created about 1.5 sec before csc.exe being called. The thread would not exit until closing paint.net.
  16. I think it is an issue of paint.net. paint.net 4.0.5288 with CodeLab 1.8 got the same issue. Every time opening CodeLab, CPU usage increases by 8%, and the CPU keeps being used when CodeLab is closed. It significantly affects the speed of paint.net UI response.
  17. Win7sp1, Intel Core i5, paint.net 4.0.5288, CodeLab 2.0 Every time running CodeLab will use about 8% CPU, even after closing the plugin. After several times of running CodeLab, the CPU usage reaches the upper limit of 25%.
  18. Is there any plan to go through all strings and approve the new suggestion? Maybe 4.0 RTM?
  19. I vote for the logic of 3.5. Besides, It's super easy to do this with a plugin.
  20. Chinese Simplified translation finished. Why Chinese Simplified in the language list of paint.net is 中文(简体) 旧版 (Chinese Simplified Old Version)? Can this string be translated? Advise translate to 简体中文
  21. Can't paste image from PrintScreen (paint.net 4.0.5168)
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