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  1. OIC. Thanks for the System.Math class link. I knew they were from that class, but I thought they were accessed thru the DLL that I mentioned. I found my function while investigating that DLL so I thought they were IN that DLL. So the .NET Franework classes are accessed directly from the .NET Framework installed on my computer and not from the main program (Paint.NET) or a DLL that was build or linked at compile time? It looks like I did not need to collect all that info. But at least it looks accurate as far as it goes. Bhag
  2. Math functions I believe these are the math functions available in CodeLab using the var=Math.function_name(parms) type of function call: Abs, Acos, Asin, Atan, Atan2, BigMul, Ceiling, Cos, Cosh, DivRem, Exp, Floor, IEEERemainder, Log, Log10, Max, Min, Pow, Round, Sign, Sin, Sinh, Sqrt, Tan, Tanh, and Truncate And there are two constants: Math.E and Math.PI I found these in the ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll file in the Paint.NET folder while looking for a function for e to the power of x (which is Math.Exp). Details of these functions and constants can be found as an Excel spreadsheet in the attached MathFunctions.zip file. I believe these follow the rules of allowable functions for plugins. Hope it helps Bhag MathFunctions.zip
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