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Everything posted by kenw232

  1. I scan an image at 150dpi, then print it with paint.net with "Fit picture to frame" on so its as large as it can go. but the printed version is about 2% smaller then the original. Why? I'm trying to make a color photocopy more or less. its not exact. it should be. using the latest paint.net 4.0.13 on Windows 10 with a HP Deskjet 1010 printer. It does print the proper size in Photoshop CS6.
  2. When opening Paint.NET 3.5.2 from a shortcut with no arguments it opens without a splash screen. When opening it with an argument (eg. paintdotnet.exe c:\pics\pic.gif) it will show the splash screen. Any way to remove that? and is there an Options dialog anywhere in paint.net or am I missing something?
  3. If I haven't saved an image I'd like it to not warn me with a dialog box before I close it or the program. Is that possible?
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