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Everything posted by chrisco97

  1. That is awesome! I love it, even though I truly can not stand horror movies. They don't really scare me, it is just BORING. But that is a great piece of work. You are an interesting Abstract artist. I would like to see more pieces like that.
  2. I am really fond of the drop shadow. I do not know why, but it is awesome. I give it a 8.1/10. It is awesome, and I love the simplicity.
  3. I love the Yoda signature. It looks like he is trying to escape waves
  4. I love the lampost! I am a huge Sherlock Holmes fan, and it reminds me so much of London
  5. I think it is nice, better then your last. How do you guys like my newest sig?
  6. The spacescapes are great Love the one Pyrochild mentioned.
  7. Nice new abstact! I love it. And yeah, I believe it is a cocoon too EDIT: Fixed spelling error.
  8. Nice plugins Pyrochild. I downloaded them all!
  9. Cool spacescape Flip, it is neat. Actually, I like the gold one.
  10. Yeah, but it is your style for the way you use it. You can implant some Paint.NET effects into it, and get something nice. Like my latest Shadow sig, I used a c4d, and used some effects into it. Here is the c4d I used: http://image.wetpaint.com/image/1/d6kZz ... y15w540191 I turned it to fit the canvas, and I blured it, and put some splinter into it. Even a few duplicated layers and blending modes. It is not all my work, but the outcome was nice. And the way I used the c4d was my work.
  11. I am glad you won! You made an outstanding sig! Great job! I am wanting to enter in one soon.
  12. I like it. But the background doesn't match. Any c4ds used? Looks like it!
  13. Read the forum rules. viewtopic.php?f=20&t=3446 Rule #15
  14. Wow. I love these plugins. I am always rotataing my text with the Layers > Rotate Zoom and it takes forever to get it right. Now, I can just use your plugin! It works great, BTW.
  15. That is awesome AFG. Can''t wait to see it done!
  16. I love it! I am not even close to a Twilight fan, but that is awesome! You should put a link to your gallery in your sig!
  17. I like how you have your signature descriptions on and they are themed Can't wait to see more!
  18. Very neat piece. Your art is so interesting!!! Even though I can not see the indian praying
  19. Thanks for promoting me I am trying to post some now
  20. I joined. I will work on my showcase tonight
  21. I think I will join there. I will help out with anything needed
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