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Everything posted by lindsay2181

  1. ok sarkut, thank you! i guess i don't really have a good pic to use with this mask b/c everything i have is close up and it would work better with a landscape pic of someone farther away. but your instructions did the trick and this is my result: so THANK YOU!!!! will have to bookmark this for future reference until i can remember it on my own!
  2. Ok please forgive me, but I am still not getting it. I got the alpha mask import and then followed the steps above...this is what happened: So then I tried layer properties>blending mode: multiply and got this: which is a little better but.....hmmmm what am I do wrong? i want to be able to read the word "boy" at the top. ok since you changed your instructions let me go back and re-try....brb!
  3. Yes, that's kind of how you use it, only without the blue. Just the pic in the shape of the mask. So HOW exactly would I go about doing such a thing?
  4. Yes, I am a newbie. And YES, I have searched for this before posting. I am only able to find stuff about some "alpha mask plugin" and I'm still not sure what that's all about but I am just looking for a tut on how to use a mask like this: I see these on free digital scrapbooking blogs but the tuts are always for Photoshop and I've tried following them but not getting anywhere. I guess most digital scrappers don't use paint.net so I'm at a loss!
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