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Posts posted by pik_d

  1. This is probably related (or really, the same issue) but I got to the point where it almost certainly would crash the next time I un-did the flatten. I closed the image so Paint.NET had nothing open, just the program itself was running. I then re-opened the .pdn I was working with and it told me "Not enough memory to load the image." No crash/crash log or anything, it just refuses to load the image even though there is -nothing- open already.

    I'm guessing at some point it just doesn't release the memory (well I guess obviously since you said there was a leak), and that this is the exact same issue? I was hoping that I could "trick" the memory leak by closing and re-opening, didn't work. :(

  2. Thanks for looking into it further. I was just about pulling my hair out trying to understand how it wasn't a memory leak. I had a large (and slightly snarky) reply written up replying to the "stop complaining" post (which is now gone?) when the board went down for maintenance. I'm glad I didn't have a chance to post that now. :)

    Thanks again, and I hope to see 3.5.2 out soon. I dunno if this is taboo around here, but any idea how long that would take?

  3. A value is not overflowing. You are not being lied to. Things are not silly. See my post above. Virtual Address Space Fragmentation is not the same thing as a memory leak.

    Why does Paint.NET crash when I simply save-as a jpeg (to flatten) then undo several times? This seems like it would be fairly normal behavior for someone editing something.

  4. Looks like you ran out of memory.
    Exception details:

    System.OutOfMemoryException: VirtualAlloc returned a null pointer, bytes = 16,777,216

    Going back to this, I don't think I "ran out of memory" at 16 MB. Some 24 byte value (VirtualAlloc it looks like) is overflowing it seems.

    Also I just noticed that it's referencing D:\ when I have Paint.NET installed on my C drive. D:\ is a currently unused install of the Win7 beta.

    EDIT: If I flatten and undo several times in a row (doing nothing else) it will crash like this, after reaching over 1.5GB of memory used (going up by 200-300MB each cycle). This is not really a 32bit vs. 64bit thing, this is a memory leak which eventually runs out of memory to leak.

  5. Unfortunately I use a couple things that require unsigned drivers. I've tried a few different tricks to get around that, but none have worked. Dual booting is obviously an option, but a rather annoying one as I work on this stuff while doing everything else.

    Is there nothing that I can do to get this to stop happening? I don't remember this happening pre-3.5(.1), so it seems rather silly that the only option is "upgrade your OS" for Paint.NET crashing in relatively simple images.

  6. Ever since I upgraded to 3.5.1 Paint.NET will crash when I Ctrl+Z from a flatten. It doesn't happen every time but enough to be very annoying. I've been using Paint.NET for a while, and it's been for-freak-ever since I've had any hardware updates, so it seems like it's a 3.5.1 issue. I don't believe I have any plugins (at least, I haven't installed any recently enough to remember).

    The file I'm currently working with is only about 1.3MB at the moment and has 6 layers, nothing overly complex.

    EDIT: If this is related to the "out of memory" sticky topic, what the heck am I supposed to do with that information? It doesn't happen every time though, which it probably should if it's running out of memory. What I do is make a small edit, flatten to jpeg (it's a texture for a game), view the texture on the model, un flatten, make another small edit, rinse -> repeat. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.


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