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Everything posted by Ehpek

  1. Hmm... Thats weird. I thought I updated it. I'm downloading it this time, hopefully this will make it work. Thanks ^^
  2. I recently downloaded some plugins (a lot of which are really really cool, I love this website) but I have had trouble with this splatter effect. When I try to use it I get an error message (File: C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\Effects\Splatter.dll Effect Name: pyrochild.effects.splatter.Splatter Full error message: System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'PaintDotNet.SystemLayer.GdiPaintControl' from assembly 'PaintDotNet.SystemLayer, Version=3.36.3158.38062, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. at pyrochild.effects.common.Canvas..ctor() at pyrochild.effects.common.CanvasConfigDialog.InitializeComponent() at pyrochild.effects.common.CanvasConfigDialog..ctor() at pyrochild.effects.splatter.ConfigDialog..ctor() at pyrochild.effects.splatter.Splatter.CreateConfigDialog() at PaintDotNet.Menus.EffectMenuBase.RunEffect(Type effectType)) and it tells me to restart pdn or close the plugin, I've tried both but have had no success. I downloaded the big pack pyro made and extracted everything into C:>Program Files>Paint.Net>Effects. I saw someone else had a similar problem but I don't see what the problem was and have not seen pyrochild.effects.common.dll. Am I missing it? Am I missing something else? Thanks for any and all help! Also: I am having problems like this with: Jitter, Outline Object, Random Effect (except its a "unhandled error") and Film.
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