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Everything posted by Superferd

  1. But it is square, at a brush width of 1pxl. Sorry stupid joke. I actually agree with you and in addition also a square paintbrush. This might come with the newest version where they will implement custom brushes. Rick says:
  2. I like the welcome to the galaxy thing, just here and there the orange shades seem out of place... I call it "wooden box on wooden background"
  3. Why not create a tree on a transparent layer and then save it in you custom brushes folder...
  4. Good as always, do you just make hundreds of images a day and choose the best to show us or are they really all great?
  5. O... nice! maybe add a border. I call it: "painting for what you need those funny 3D glasses"
  6. But don't panic most of the plugins in that image are real plugins you can find else where. searchpaint.net
  7. I went for theonlychad he is the only one that made the image "evil".
  8. i know it is still work in progress, so that was image 1/3. next please. Some sort of logo i guess:
  9. Thats Precisely what I was talking About! where the space occupied by the line tool and/or brush tool would turn into selection. It would be great for accuracy and touch ups! :wink: Lasso select???
  10. (view original in my gallery) Feedback please. EDIT: Update:
  11. This tutorial is available as a PDF. Click here to view or download it My first tut: It was requested and the name wasn't my idea either. We will be making this: 1. First make a new image of 500x150. Make the background layer black an then create a new layer. 2. on the new layer use the grid/checkerboard maker on these settings: NOTE: make sure your brush width is at 2 and your colour palette looks like: you also see what is supposed to come out. 3. Then you take the magic wand and put it at global, you then select the black(layer2) and delete it.(it might look like it is still there but that is the underlying layer. 4. Then you use shape3D at these settings: lighting at default. you will get this: Done. You can always toy with colours and lightening, if you play with the shape3D settings i recommend putting the :AntiAliasingOn: temporarily off.
  12. I think the yoshi is is good, but, it could be me, or not, in the lower right corner it hurts my eyes, when i take a quik look it looks normal but when i really look at it it is very bright. it might not be to bright and just be my eyes .
  13. I know maybe cut it into 3 sigs. I think if i reduce the right part and the box it will be better. Hidden Content: (btw: copy it into paint and run reveal hidden B&W image)
  14. Still need help with that, :idea:s please. And also an update: Feedback?
  15. AAAAAAHHHH!!! Feather Feather :AntiAliasingOn: .... But it looks quite nice actually, try to feather sonic. (you will need the feather plugin for that.)
  16. You could also cut the image in pieces, let me show it: That are 2 images if its not clear enough.
  17. I love your invader zim sig! But the blue of the blur(the blurred eyes) looks like it should be grey...
  18. I would like to make it a project for all.. Project1: Suggestions & ideas please: Edit: can i have some feedback on this.
  19. bullets hmmmm...... Hidden Content: I think i will use that idea.....
  20. In those images the borders where actually "the thing to notice". So only then i used such wide borders. And thanks for the feedback, that's exactly what i need. Update: i am not planning to make a matching avatar, requests might change that. :wink: Feedback please...
  21. That looks pretty good, but is the ship supposed to be partially in the water? Or am i not looking good? My current favourite avatar: Note: Only been using PDN for a week.
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