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Posts posted by barbieq25

  1. Well it was a great movie on so many levels. Who doesn't love a DeLorean? :D I wouldn't say no to one being parked in our garage. I could totally see me driving it to get the groceries in big ole RockVegas :P


    We are at the tail end of spring here & our temps are like 35 deg C or 95 deg F. Anyone have any rain they don't want - send it to Australia. We need it desperately. I'd love to have autumn again!

    Thanks Pixey for all your hard work in running the comp & Seerose for changing the theme & Ishi for the suggestion. You guys rock :D

  2. "Gradients Galore, Don't remember" is also one of my faves. Your work is so beautiful & varied. Some of those white flowers (freesias?) look like they are under water. So creative! It is such a pleasure to go back through your gallery. I remember those glasses. :D Lovely image. 

    • Upvote 1
  3. Love your outcome Lynxter. Glad you found it useful. Tutes should help you understand how certain plugins work & how to achieve some effects/techniques. I have not re-visited this one to change the setting for the new version of clipwarp. At least 2 of the plugins have changed since I wrote the tute. It is on my very long to-do list :D 


    Your outcome is great! The font style works really well too. 

  4. Hi Reba. Good to have you here. Please feel free to ask questions on aspects that you need help with. As Eli mentioned, some plugins no longer work (all the best ones do :) ) An incomplete list is http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/27661-incompatible-plugins-an-incomplete-list-updated-for-405284/?hl=%2Bincompatible+%2Bplugins/


    If you have created an image or at least part of one, you can put it into the image hospital http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/8128-image-hospital-help-with-image-problems-here/

    We may be able to solve specific issue you are having. 


    Try some of the tutorials as that is a great way of getting to know how plugins work. 


    Again welcome Reba :D

  5. Not all of the image has to be made in PDN. So long as you have used PDN to modify the image in some way & the original image is either your own or linked to (copyrights respected), then that should be fine.

    PDN is an IMAGE EDITOR - that means you edit or modify the image :D If you can create one entirely from PDN as Pixey & Helen do so well, then all the better. 


    I really liked Racerx first image with the skull, the pumpkin, & the candle. I thought he did those with the Shapes pack? No?

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