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Posts posted by barbieq25

  1. Thanks EER :D


    Thank you Maximillian. 


    Ishi, we all have different ways of working. Some images come together very quickly. Others take time. I enjoy the process sometimes more than the end product :D


    Thank you Helen & Seerose. 


    I had to make this one. As much to see how the orchid would look like isolated from the green non-descript background.  Photomanip of an orchid someone posted on a Facebook page that I belong to. Again the scroll is clipart.



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  2. Ishi, the flowers are done by line tool & lots of layers. I posted up the photo that I took it from. I really don't think I can do a mini tute on this. It was painstaking hours of work. 



    I use either Bezier curves or the spline one (whichever works better for me at the time) use the right mouse button to move the curves. Once I am happy with the single line, I add a new layer & draw the next line. I can only do one curved line at a time because that is the limitation of the tool's nubs. Once I have the next one done, I merge it down. All the flowers are on their own layer. I used a bit of blur for the centre (again on its own layer) & the flowers were Drop Shadowed individually. 


    The white dots are on their own layer as well as the little stamen bits which were either Drop Shadowed or I used Outline object on very low settings. The petals were coloured with the paint bucket & added the extra depth by drawing lines & then using a combination of blurs (I think it was Fragment, Splinter, & True Blur) & repeating the layers until I was happy with the depth of colour. 


    Does this help at all? I did the Dickie Birds the same way but they didn't take nearly as long. :D

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  3. Thanks Lynxster4, Seerose, Red Ochre & Ishi for your positive comments.


    The Puss image is 100% PDN. A combination of line tool with Bezier curves, Furblur, layer blend modes, blur & layers. The dotted line was a dashed line that I used Noise ->Median & played with the settings until it got rounded. Also used Feather & AA Assistant & the Curly lines plugin. 



    Here is another one that I made. I like this style :D


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  4. Thank you Helen & Doughty for your lovely comments. One of my fellow teachers found it :D I haven't either Helen.


    No Doughty you had not mentioned the heart before but thank you. I have used it a couple of times now in different images because I like it a lot & you can do that easily with a digital canvas :D


    I thought I'd try another way of working - taking a leaf out of Pixey's book, no, not an animation. Gave up on those years ago. Just a different style. As always constructive feedback is always appreciated. I did have a reference picture that I found on Pinterest - no longer there. Just called Puss.



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  5. Aside from being my friend & inspiration, your input into the forum with your knowledge has been invaluable. Your images & ideas are fabulous & a testament to the perseverance & tutelage from AFG. I hope, like many of us here that it will only be a break. 


    Thank you DrewDale for stepping up. Like Pixey, you will be a wonderful host again.

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  6. Oooops my bad! CTRL + G turns the image 90 deg clockwise. CTRL + SHIFT + G turns it to black & white. I use this method when I want the gold to be silver without having to break my head on settings for silver :D Just another way of working that's all.

  7. Hehe, that's the old Laplacian Pyramid Filter - not good for brakes. Used this previously but added to it. My friend who owned this bike loaned it to another of his friends who crashed it. We are all sad about it. Rider is fine, bike is totalled :( Owner was riding another bike (trail bike) compound fracture to his arm & I have lost count of the number of operations he has now had. So the sig is really a tribute to him. Time will heal him eventually :D

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