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Posts posted by barbieq25

  1. Hi LadyG,


    I am not able to reproduce the problem either @xod


    I got confused with the Layer Category (layer menu on the toolbar). 


    Ok, so you've opened Paint.NET program, went to the layers & imported a file that you want to work on & then added a layer. 

    Here is the important bit - did you put the new layer above or below the image that you imported the first time?


    Layers work like this: The first layer when you open the program is white by default. When you add another layer it is like a transparent sheet (this is why you see the checkerboard, universal way of showing that this checker bit is transparent - contains no pixels.) These sheets can be fully filled with pixels or just a few. They can also be stacked in different orders & they can be welded (merged) together. If you have a fully filled layer & you put another layer underneath it, you will only see the top one. 


    Isn't so hard to describe a problem when you are not sure what it is? I hope we can sort this issue for you.


    @IRON67 I'm not sure that I entirely understand what you said about the save configuration. That is a bit techie for me. Ideal with pretties :D but with your computer expertise I will just take your word for it. 

    So that being the case, the issue then is not related to the program itself, yes?

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