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Everything posted by nemo

  1. Its been said but what a cute turtle! oh and doesnt seem anyone has noticedyour new sig/avvy set yet. Lovely colours and (obviously) nice and glossy :wink:
  2. I like nearing the dark, oh and congrats on your $550 :wink:
  3. nemo

    Oma's gallery

    That has so many different textures in it :shock: lovely
  4. nice beta, i got new sig & avvy too. What you lot think?
  5. quite a nice outcome, i personally found it easy to follow
  6. nemo

    Oma's gallery

    I knew they reminded me of something!
  7. Love the colours, out of intrest what brush(es) did you use?
  8. nemo

    Oma's gallery

    wow, the texture is great. I never really saw much in paisley shapes but thats really nice
  9. Thanks , really pleased with these last few updates. hopefully get the time to do some more bits too :wink:
  10. Agreed , i love the oval mesh jewel. Great colours.
  11. Thanks AFG & surprisingly nope, i decided to havea little play around with some plugins i rarely/never use..the 3 i used were: Bevel,Sin waves & gravity (i never would of thought they could make that :shock:). Great for a mountain pixel texture too :wink:
  12. Thanks AFG and where i come from we call it Point of view but it can be called vision too :o
  13. Sure , The city only took me literally 1 minute to make :shock: . Ill pm you how :wink: For everyone: in the unlikely event people want to know how i made the pixel city ill make a mini tut (its so simple you wont believe it :shock:) edit1: another flower i made, its meant to not look realistic..not exactly my hween theme but i made it for a friend and quite like it. edit2: You have your sig YY
  14. thats prety cool, i like the swirl in it
  15. Another mini update, i thought this was prety cool, i made it in 4 steps. A nice and easy 'pixel city'
  16. @ Chad: cheers , i realyl like the N too, gotta make a sig too now though :shock: @YM: i know its tiny, my bad. I was working on a really small part of a mirror, finished then opened a new and completely forgot about resizing..gosh i can be so forgetful sometimes
  17. Sorry, where i come from we call point of view POV to save time. Im sure you know what it means but basically the flow of the picture. You may know as point of perception (POP)?. Uhm, this can probably explain it better than me (link)
  18. Lovely aurora but one thing linked with YM is the water part seems to end a little bit suddenly. Other than that its great
  19. Oyh, forgot to say, i love your gallery header. Nice and neatly done
  20. nemo

    Oma's gallery

    You have a great eye for colours linking them with the perfect emotions. The best things always happen when unplanned :wink:. Also, i find that too, drawing something after creating it just doesnt give the same effect as drawing beforehand- painting is not really my forte either to be honest. You certainly have great drawing/sketch work though
  21. nemo

    Oma's gallery

    That is one long history :shock: , so much work gone into it. Lovely. probably a silly question but: You usually draw out your realistic pieces etc. But i was just wandering to you draw out a basis for your abstracts too? they are so great with loads going on that must be so tricky...equally if you don't it would be even harder creating your pieces from your head :shock: Great as always :wink:
  22. you never know ..its weird, i was literally just updating my gallery and read yours hehe.
  23. Thankyou Soka . Here is a mini update. I know they are really bad but well..i was VERY bored and for some reason humming the Ghostbusters theme tune (oh how cool am i? ). Anywho, they are not meant to be done properly etc. I was just playing with some effects...maybe a hint of an upcoming piece? :twisted: :wink: The 'chunky' one on the left reminds me of fatso from Casper .
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