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Dhr. Bosch

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Everything posted by Dhr. Bosch

  1. i have two images that where scanned to Paint.NET and rescaled to fit both fit on one A4 paper, selected and copied these images and pasted them to a A4 sized canvas Paint.NET tells me the selection is to large for the canvas and asks me if i want to resize the canvas or move the selection around till i've goet what i've looking for. with both options the selection is many times larger the even when i first scanned the image... is this a setting i should change or is this a bug
  2. i have two images that where scanned to Paint.NET and rescaled to fit both fit on one A4 paper, selected and copied these images and pasted them to a A4 sized canvas Paint.NET tells me the selection is to large for the canvas and asks me if i want to resize the canvas or move the selection around till i've goet what i've looking for. with both options the selection is many times larger the even when i first scanned the image... is this a setting i should change or is this a bug
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