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Everything posted by flip

  1. Wow that's a good tut. Why doesn't that guy just post it here?
  2. POSSUM ROADKILL WINS! CONGRATS! Theme is: TYPOGRAPHY Rules: Has to be made in paint.net. You have to start from scratch; nothing you've already made. No renders or stocks at all. No exceptions. First 10 entries will be counted, all others will be ignored. Enter fast! Minimum size is 640x480. There is no max size. Entries: flip Possum Roadkill Frontcannon L3ron Sarkut barbieq25 yellowman Axle
  4. It's still pretty close, let's get some more votes up in here!
  5. Voting will be closed today or tomorrow. I'm trying to keep this more of weekly comp so I don't lose the pin or anything.
  6. Outline object sometimes helps as well. http://searchpaint.net
  7. It's okay. Post the picture in your gallery though, I want to see it again.
  8. That's an amazing picture there, it really is. If it doesn't get into the galleria I will be outraged... ...but the rules say no stocks and no exceptions.
  9. Clever way to make the rust.
  10. THIS WORKS THANK YOU VERY MUCH. This works thank you very much.
  11. Hmm... I'm guessing this is a tough theme?
  12. Hey, my leaf sig got into the galleria.
  13. I don't know what the grey smudge is. Does it ruin the pic?
  14. Yeah, the gold one is kinda crappy.
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