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Possum Roadkill

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Everything posted by Possum Roadkill

  1. Awe shucks, thanks. :oops: Now I'm embarrassed. I like the idea of doing it in an oblique angle but it is kind of dark and I cannot make out the detail. Try the curves in the adjustments menu and bring out the detail using the luminosity curves. That might do it.
  2. Awe shucks, thanks. :oops: Now I'm embarrassed. I like the idea of doing it in an oblique angle but it is kind of dark and I cannot make out the detail. Try the curves in the adjustments menu and bring out the detail using the luminosity curves. That might do it.
  3. I have no idea what color the ghost glow...if green, then I'm reminded of Slimy from "Ghostbusters." I have never seen a ghost so I couldn't honestly answer that question. Your next picture with the heart and arrow looks to be such a sweet image for your wife. There's a lot of love there, isn't there? Just clean up the edge and smooth it out, and that will be a knock out picture. Yes, the stars was a custom brush I downloaded and converted to .png. @Xander...thank you for your kind comment about the bottle. Some seem to not like the blurry bottle, and some like it. I suppose it's a matter of taste and interpretation. As for your remark about a geek, I consider myself a nerd and wear it proudly. My wife and I went to watch "Star Trek," and we loved it! Yeah I kind of messed it up and didn't know how to fix it. She really liked it though The heart originally came from a logo I did for our local forum. I did this image from the logo and then did the heart and arrow for her that weekend. Do you have any suggestions on how I could fix the heart? I would really like to get rid of the blurriness at the top. I know I enlarged the heart way too much and that is what caused it. Oh btw, I think the green ghost glow is what I'll go with. I have seen a ghost but he didn't glow green, he was just kind of misty looking. (long story........) A green glow would be kind of Scooby Doo ghost looking.
  4. I have no idea what color the ghost glow...if green, then I'm reminded of Slimy from "Ghostbusters." I have never seen a ghost so I couldn't honestly answer that question. Your next picture with the heart and arrow looks to be such a sweet image for your wife. There's a lot of love there, isn't there? Just clean up the edge and smooth it out, and that will be a knock out picture. Yes, the stars was a custom brush I downloaded and converted to .png. @Xander...thank you for your kind comment about the bottle. Some seem to not like the blurry bottle, and some like it. I suppose it's a matter of taste and interpretation. As for your remark about a geek, I consider myself a nerd and wear it proudly. My wife and I went to watch "Star Trek," and we loved it! Yeah I kind of messed it up and didn't know how to fix it. She really liked it though The heart originally came from a logo I did for our local forum. I did this image from the logo and then did the heart and arrow for her that weekend. Do you have any suggestions on how I could fix the heart? I would really like to get rid of the blurriness at the top. I know I enlarged the heart way too much and that is what caused it. Oh btw, I think the green ghost glow is what I'll go with. I have seen a ghost but he didn't glow green, he was just kind of misty looking. (long story........) A green glow would be kind of Scooby Doo ghost looking.
  5. So well stated. It really is amazing isn't it? I could never afford PS and had been using a 1999 version of Paint Shop Pro until I tried PdN. This has really changed things for me and I greatly appreciate the creators and everyone who has contributed to this effort. @Xander_Lyon I really like the eye that is really awesome ! You have really gotten off to a great start with PdN !
  6. So well stated. It really is amazing isn't it? I could never afford PS and had been using a 1999 version of Paint Shop Pro until I tried PdN. This has really changed things for me and I greatly appreciate the creators and everyone who has contributed to this effort. @Xander_Lyon I really like the eye that is really awesome ! You have really gotten off to a great start with PdN !
  7. On the right side of the color wheel you will see a button that says "more>>" click that and you can use the sliders to make the colors darker, lighter, and more transparent.
  8. @ Storm.Shadow, I really like the bottle it is really fantastic. The smoke effect is very nice and looks so real. I can't seem to figure out how to do it just yet. Are the stars in the background a custom brush? They are so nice and smooth. I might have made the sizes vary a bit, but they are just beautiful. "...that image looks fantastic, the only thing I noted was the key in the ghost hand...it looks like it's going to fall out of its hand. Perhaps lowering the opacity of the hands would give it a more ghostly appearance with a little glowing effect?" Thanks very much ! I think I'll try your suggestion. What color do ghosts glow? My wife says green. @Goonfella, the mouse looks so real ! Are you a Mac? @Pophiri, " I want to keep the background the way it is though. Think of it as a studio shot with a mat black background and targeted lighting. I want the focus to be 100% on the bubbles with no background distraction." I agree. The bubbles are so delicate and detailed anything else would be a distraction from them. I have looked at them a number of times and cannot figure out how you did them. A tut would be wonderful. This is something I did for my wife last week.
  9. Very nice. I like the various gradients and color combinations. It has a very soothing look. I really like this. Unusual colors. For some reason it makes me think of water. Did you ever see the movie "The Abyss"? It makes me think of the beings in the abyss. I have done a few abstracts but not many. This is one I did a few weeks ago.
  10. Thanks very much. It was pretty easy to make, it's just noise with the color left in and various blurs and then cut to an oval shape. I've been trying to create one to match a photo of an opal I saw on the internet. I've done a couple of different versions of this one and it's pretty much the same technique but with higher settings and the crystallize plug-in. I guess I could do a gallery, I finally have a few things completed. I've had kind of a weird week and haven't been able to concentrate on things until last night. I finally finished this piece tonight. I've been hanging on to it for weeks waiting for inspiration on what to do with it. I did the wood texture and thought of what I wanted to do with the lock and key. Everything is 100% PdN except the ghost hands.
  11. I agree. I do like it though, but too much blue. Needs some contrasting colors and something to add depth. Maybe dropshadow or bevel.
  12. These are some sigs I did for our local forum. I'm an admin on the board and the owner asked if I would make sigs for the rest of the mods/admin.
  13. That is simply awesome ! So beautiful! So real !
  14. @jedi12 I like it. Simple yet elegant. Very nice.
  15. Could you go back through the steps and find the one where you get off track? Maybe someone can help you if they know exactly what step it is where you get off track.
  16. That is awesome ! Do you have a link to a larger size? I would love to see the detail.
  17. Hmmm, and I have been having headaches. Connection.............??
  18. No surprise here, your work is very inspiring, as is Oma's. There are so many good artists on this forum it's pretty easy to soak up some of the talent through osmosis. There is inspiration around every corner. Yes it is noise. :wink: Added selective blurs to get the right look. I have always loved opals, the variety is astounding. The second pic is what I used as my model. I think with a little more work a pretty decent opal could be achieved.
  19. I know what you mean, I change mine a lot. I really like this one. Nice color selection and I like how you blocked the text and the angle of the presentation. Forty-Two, Very nice image. Great effect. The colors are so intense ! This is one I used on my desktop for a couple of weeks. I've changed it again, but I might change it back to this again in the future. Thumbnail
  20. I really like it. The contrast between the green and orange is very striking and while I wouldn't thing of combining orange and that shade of green, you made it work very well. Very pleasing blending of the colors. The only thing I would suggest would be that the detail at the waterline (edge of the reflection) should be more pronounced. It would make it appear that there is something on the other side of a lake or bay. You know like when you see a sunset of a lake and you can see the dark silhouette of a tree line across the lake and they reflect in the water along with the clouds and sunset. This is something I just finished. I did the gemstone tut by Ash earlier this week and wanted to do something with the ruby I made and I thought talisman or amulet. I spent more time on this than anything I have done in PdN to date. It also has more layers than anything I've done. I also used Oma's palm leaf and made it metal for some added detail. The Opal is something I came up with after I did the gemstone tut because I wanted to do something with the gemstones I made and thought I needed an opal and some pearls to go with them. I know that I messed up some of the lighting hi-lights. Click on thumb for the full size image.
  21. Himself22 your Poseidon image is great ! You should add some fish or coral to it. Very cool. This is mine. I did the tut and then did some extra stuff to it.
  22. It might be that you did not un-check the Keep Original Image in the Drop Shadow.
  23. I will consider making it store the last used texture folder. Thanks, that would be great. Found a couple of sites with tons of textures. One site has textures for CGI work but they work great with your plug-in.
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