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Possum Roadkill

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Everything posted by Possum Roadkill

  1. Very cool and useful technique. This is what I used it for in a test for a future project. I need to figure out some things, but this is something I can really use. Thanks !
  2. Ok, Ok ! I can't keep a secret ! It was bulge and Power Stretch and then color filter. "if you duplicate the layer flip vertical or horizontal , sometimes it will give you something more ? " If you stack another copy of the layer on it and use a different mode you sometimes get some really wild effects. That is what you see on the Out of the Ice image I did. I think there were like four identical layers stacked with color inversions and different modes.
  3. Thanks Oma ! Nothing would give me more honor if you had one of my paintings hanging in your home. I'm sure people will ask why you have a laptop hanging on your wall though. Just kidding ! If you would like a larger version of it, the original .pdn is 880 X 662 and 3.5 meg.
  4. @ Helen, The baby is amazing ! The expression is perfect ! @ Nemo, Very nice helmet. Is it Trojan or Roman? You might want to try the finish with some of the techniques from the Chrome 101 tutorials. That would look sooooo cool. @ Tourist, Welcome back and congratulations on your marriage and new career! I have enjoyed seeing your work since joining the forum, and now I'm glad to meet you on here. I hope to see more of your work when you get back into it. Thanks for the PM, the image we discussed is still one of my favorites on here.
  5. Yes it is. It might be the angle you see the ship at. You are looking at the ship on the port side approaching you at an angle. These were the great ships of the early 20th Century and were very long, over 950 feet. That is why the back of the ship appears smaller. It's the perspective that the ship appears from a distance. I drew it from a painting of one of the White Star Line vessels, the Majestic, it was the largest steamer in the World at the time.
  6. These are a couple of new sigs that I made for members of my forum The Dead Possum Society. The first one is my buddy Sneaky Snake. We all give him a hard time because he is kind of a jerk and is the most arrogant person ever. He was the only person to receive a lifetime ban from one of the local message boards for being a horse's behind. The second one is for one of our members who is a collector of White Star Line memorabilia ( The Titanic was one of the ships, but he is more interested in the others). I really like how my telescope turned out for his sig.
  7. I think it would look cool if you could see the edge (or a little more) of the planet at the bottom corner of the F in your avatar. Just a thought. This is a sig I did for one of the members on my forum. He is a collector of White Star Line memorabilia.
  8. That is the last plugin I used. I started out experimenting with the alpha displacement like in Yellowman's tutorial and ended up with the Seismograph after I had a nice 3-Dish looking image. It's what happened in between that I will keep secret for now.
  9. Thanks ! I can't wait to see your bamboo. I'm also working on a bamboo table. The shadow was duplicated of the bamboo layers (flattened and saved as a new image then re-inserted) silhouette plus to make it all black, moved and stretched, the bottom cut off to match the floor. I then stretched the leaves in certain places. Lastly I painted the shadow of the pot from the legs to the wall on a separate layer and merged it down. I then changed the transparency to what looked good against the wall. I did the same method with the shadow of the fountain.
  10. @ theonlychad - Cool image ! I can see little heads in it. There are little heads in it isn't there? :shock: This is just messing around with a couple of plug-ins. Anyone remember the old 3-D wireframe images. I did a few in AutoCAD years ago. This is Mount Wireframe.
  11. Yes thank you, I think that looks much better. I also duplicated the layer and changed the top one to black and white and used a darken blend mode. I also added a layer of water spray, but it's pretty faint at this size. In retrospect, I think the water would have looked better had I used a more neutral color for the wall and contrasting color for the floor. However, I'm pretty happy with the overall image. Thanks for your suggestion, it really solved my problem.
  12. This is a great tut Blooper. I have a use for this ! Woo hoo ! I had a much harder way of doing it and you have saved me a bunch of aggravation. Thanks !
  13. @ Goonfella & Welshblue - Thanks guys ! I felt the same about the water. I did the fountain as a separate image with the intent to insert it into the bamboo image. When it was by itself the water looked great, but when I put it into the green room it changed the look. I really don't know what to do now. I mean I can redo the water, but I don't know how to get it so that it's not affected by the green wall. I could change the color of the wall, but that would change the dynamic of the image, so I do need to change the water, but how? Any suggestions? I'm kind of stuck. :? Oh and by the way, Welsh, that is an amazing image. It looks like a photo.
  14. She is magical, that is how she does it. She has secrets, don't tell her I told you. :shock: Seriously, she works very hard on each image. She takes her time and doesn't settle for good enough. I can tell you this much, she really understands blend modes as well as anyone. That is a beautiful image. I really like it. You should try duplicating it as a layer, and play around with the blend modes. Maybe stretch the duplicated layer and then blend or maybe try the relief on one layer and then blend. Make sure you save the original image though. @ Axel I really like your new avatar. Have you tried to make it into a glossy button? That would look really cool.
  15. @ welshblue. That is the most realistic wood texture I've seen yet. Simply amazing ! I have tried and tried and just can't get it. Beautiful stuff man. @wafflePaint that is a very nice planet. very good job on the texture and the hi-lighting. I'd like to see it with more planets in a full spacescape. That would be really great. @ theonlychad great texture but I agree with welshblue it needs some movement in the grain. It reminds me of something though, an organic texture.....and I'm just not making the connection in my brain. I hate getting old. It will come to me tonight about 3:00 am. Still, I really like it and can't wait to see what you do with it. @ Topezia I love it ! This is gonna be a great poster. The expression on the apple faces cracks me up. @ Goonfella :shock: Those are stunning images. The island looks so real. :shock: The sky and clouds look so real. The moons look so real. I feel like I'm on another planet. (My wife tells me that I'm from another planet) Outstanding images. You just keep raising the bar every day. This video is showing the method that I used to create the snow effect, you need Alpha Displacement plugin to do that: Very nice image, great use of the plug-in, and a well done video tut. Man you just do it all ! I used your technique in this image. It's kind of hard to tell since it was blended into another layer, but it gave me the texture I was looking for.
  16. Yeah, after looking at it again I agree it did need more contrast on the shading. Before After I finally finished a piece I've been working on and off for a couple of weeks. It's called simply, Bamboo Room. EDIT: Second Bamboo Room image is a corrected version after suggestions to fix the water layer by Yellowman. Thanks !
  17. Yeah, after looking at it again I agree it did need more contrast on the shading. Before After I finally finished a piece I've been working on and off for a couple of weeks. It's called simply, Bamboo Room. EDIT: Second Bamboo Room image is a corrected version after suggestions to fix the water layer by Yellowman. Thanks !
  18. Yeah, after looking at it again I agree it did need more contrast on the shading. Before After I finally finished a piece I've been working on and off for a couple of weeks. It's called simply, Bamboo Room. EDIT: Second Bamboo Room image is a corrected version after suggestions to fix the water layer by Yellowman. Thanks !
  19. Yeah, after looking at it again I agree it did need more contrast on the shading. Before After I finally finished a piece I've been working on and off for a couple of weeks. It's called simply, Bamboo Room. EDIT: Second Bamboo Room image is a corrected version after suggestions to fix the water layer by Yellowman. Thanks !
  20. Yeah, after looking at it again I agree it did need more contrast on the shading. Before After I finally finished a piece I've been working on and off for a couple of weeks. It's called simply, Bamboo Room. EDIT: Second Bamboo Room image is a corrected version after suggestions to fix the water layer by Yellowman. Thanks !
  21. Very very nice ! Looking forward to seeing the rest of the parts of the poster. Wow ! I almost missed this one ! Amazing, again..... another brilliant piece. Another spider pic, I know
  22. Keyhole Sphere is really great. Nice background but what I really like about it is the texture of the sphere. It looks like quartz or some other crystal in it's raw form. Beautiful !
  23. Thanks man ! I had a lot of fun with that. I want to do another one but I'm kinda stuck right now on where to go with it. In fact I've been stuck for about the last week with no good ideas. I guess I've hit a dead patch of brain cells. I thought to maybe get me out of the slump I would do another spider image. I know, how lame is that ! It's called "Where Planets Come From"
  24. Wow Oh WOW !!!! The passion flower is just amazing. You have done it again ! I will have to start inventing words to describe your art. The transparent fish is so clever and so well done. I think I need to get off this forum and get back to the tuts and learn some more. :shock:
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