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Posts posted by knownot

  1. Thanks Ash, I thought I had yet another problem, but this time I figured it out on my own. I got it that I can only change the color of individual letters when I start with colored text. The next problem was I couldn't change any of the letters to black. Actually, I was able to, but then a gray rectangle was left around the letter that I didn't know how to get rid of. Finally, I got it by going to another letter, clicking on blk & white under adjustments, which turned the letter gray, then I went over it again with the brightness/contrast and that did it w/o leaving the rectangle around the letter. Thanks again to everyone.

  2. LFC4EVER, that's it. The first time I did it, I started with blue text and it worked. The second time, I started with black text and that's when it didn't work. Now it's working whenever I use any color other than black, white or grey like you said. Thank you and thanks to everyone else who responded.

  3. Ok, dummie here again. I followed your initial instructions and that worked fine. I practiced a couple of words, then closed the screen and opened a new one to do it for real and now when I highlight a letter and go to the hue/saturation nothing happens. It does not change color at all. I did it the same way as the first time, so I don't know what's going wrong. I even tried closing the whole program and starting over just in case and it still won't work.

  4. Hello. This may sound like a really dumb question, but I am a total noob when it comes to graphics & images, etc... I am designing t-shirts with phrases on them, no images, just text. I want some of the words to have different colored letters within the word. When I try to use a different color for each letter in a word, the whole word turns whatever color I choose. How do I make each letter a different color within the same word? I thought I could highlight individual letters and change the color that way, but when I tried that, the letter doesn't highlight. The cursor just blinks next to the letter I tried to highlight. Thanks in advance.

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