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Everything posted by Sharp

  1. :shock: How long did this take? :shock: Thanks!
  2. C4D's are just something made in Cinema4D. Here's an example of one. C4D They are generally very abstract and flow-y. They are most often used in sig making. You would copy and paste it in a new layer over your sig, move it around so it flows with your sig, then mess with the blend modes and opacity. For more on sig making, check out these tuts. The Ultimate Guide to Tags A signature tutorial by DarkShock And another sig tutorial, by Yy10
  3. Sweet. One thing, when I installed it, PDN created three desktop shortcuts, none of which can be deleted. It says "Cannot delete file: cannot read from the source file or disk." :?
  4. Looks sweet. The bars in the top left look really cool. The top left corner is too bright though, If that was my wallpaper my eyes would die The line/arrows thing look sweet, and the text does too. Awesome piece
  5. Looks sweet, except the ground/mud stuff doesn't really fit. Although you blended it really well. Also the "Windows 7" color doesn't really fit in with the rest of it. Still looks awesome though Also, nice choice of font.
  6. 100% PDN. Line tool ftw :twisted:
  7. :?: If you mean, can I remember, how to do it, yes, I know all the steps :twisted:
  8. I was speaking in general, not this particular competition :wink: Edit: Here's my entry A bit small
  9. Working on something atm. Edit: Here it is. A bit small, started out as a practice piece. Edit#2: Accidentally saved over the PDN
  10. ROFL. That's EXACTLY what I was going to say when I saw this thread title.
  11. Maybe I'll try a neon thing when I get some time...
  12. I really don't like the whole # of entries limit. It really sucks when you get an idea and want to enter, then you check and there isn't room. :?
  13. Mickey Mouse? Lacking inspiration. Any ideas? :?
  14. Why are you commenting on your own work?
  15. Sharp

    Oma's gallery

    The water looks awesome.
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