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Everything posted by zam

  1. Thanks for the welcome Crimson, I guess I'll con't to apply what I learn in photoshop over to PDN where applicable. Appreciate the link Myrddin,thanks Boltbait, is the HDR effect part of your plugin pack?
  2. A quick 30 sec search on the net will yield literally hundreds of video photoshop tutorials which are very handy for those with photoshop installed. Most of what I've found on the net as it relates to vid tutorials for paint.net are very poorly done in the sense that its very difficult to see what is being done on screen. From looking around this site it seems that 90% of the tut's here are more for those interested in designing graphics than for photo-manipulation. Now maybe I just hav'nt been looking in the right places for the tut's I need, so I'll ask,Is there a place on the forum where I can find photo tut's that can benefit the average photographer who is simply trying to improve his pic's? TIA
  3. I've downloaded the 3.36 and boltbaits new plug-ins and am having the same problems with the harsh edges,having said that I'm still quite the half-tard with all this and i'm probably just using it incorrectly. If I have a photo where the sky is washed out and I want to add more contrast whats steps should I be using ? TIA I've tried both feathering options. Edit : O.k I gave it another try... opened my file made a duplcate background (renamed sky ) on the sky background I drew a circle with the lasso tool effects-selection-feather selection set at 10 adjustments-levels slid the input slider up a little to darken sky,pressed o.k ctrl D select with the new background toggled on and original background toggled off, I can see the checkerboard area around the darkened sky. when I toggle on the original background as well I see how it shows thru from underneath and is in fact not as harsh a division as 1st thought but is not really a seamless blend. I'm not complaining, just trying to figure whether I am in fact using the plug-in properly?
  4. I think this is exactly the plug-in I was searching for in order to help fade one area into another while making photo edits, thanks
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