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Everything posted by phrebh

  1. I disagree. While I like PDN much better than GIMP, it is still trying to play catch-up to PSP. Most people on these boards seem to consider PDN more of a replacement for PhotoShop, but PS is lousy for image generation, so they aren't really even in the same class. For doing raster graphics from a blank canvas, PSP is closer to PDN than PS ever could be. I'll admit that I plan on sticking with PDN primarily because it's free. Basically, it is close enough to what I want that I don't feel the need to spend money on PSP, but it is still a work in progress, and until some of the basic functionality that we've all seen people ask about (e.g. a proper smudge tool, selection shrink/grow, etc.) is in place, PDN cannot hope to take the place of PSP if cost isn't an issue. The problem as I see it is that you are judging it based on your knowledge of how to use PDN, rather than on its own merits. I did the same thing with PDN when I switched to it from PSP. But I have since been able to step back and see that PDN really is a nice piece of software, even thought it isn't everything I'm looking for. I think if you could try to be more objective, you'll realize that for what it offers, PSP is also a great piece of software and a bargain at $100. --End Commercial-- :oops:
  2. You do realize that the wind you just felt on your hair was that joke zooming over you, right? Nice job on the mockup!
  3. Have you tried just using Wine? I was thinking about testing it out, but I haven't got around to it.
  4. It's nice and clean, the way an interface for a small device should be. Here are some screen captures of the same page of my website. Each one is shows a different skin via a user-selected style. These are all live and you can check them out in greater detail at my site (but why would you want to?). Note: the default style was done in PSP, although some of the images have been edited in PDN.
  5. Yet another PSP function missing from PDN is added as an Effect. Thanks!
  6. That's cool, janettsue! It looks like part of an art deco ad from the '20s or '30s. Have a bolt:
  7. Since I got my new computer I haven't bothered to put up a custom background, but reading drew's How to Make a Night-time Space Background tutorial gave me an idea on changing up XP's Bliss.bmp for the nighttime.
  8. No stock photos here, either, but a nod goes to Tom Jackson for his fire tutorial.
  9. I am trying to write an effect that will average the colors of every pixel in the image/selection and fill the image/selection with that color. I've gotten amazingly close considering I've never done any C# programming before last week, but I've run into problem of the regions used for multi-threading the rendering. Right now I get a series of stripes representing the average color for each rendering region and I cannot figure out how to get the entire image/selection to work. As you can see in the code, I tried to use a "dreaded" global class, but this doesn't do anything for me, whether I use CodeLab or compile it in VSE. The other thought I had was that if I could work on an invisible canvas, I could do the first pass, turn it 90 degrees and run a second pass to get the final value (which is basically the workaround I have used to get what I needed). Any help (or original sarcasm) will be greatly appreciated. [EDIT] Hidden Content: This is the CodeLab code: static class GlobalClass { private static ColorBgra m_globalVar; public static ColorBgra AverageColor { get { return m_globalVar; } set { m_globalVar = value; } } } // Based on Rik Hemsley's code posted on the org.kde.kde-core-devel list. ColorBgra average(ColorBgra fg, ColorBgra bg) { const double d0 = (double)256; const double d1 = 0.2979; const double d2 = 0.5866; const double d3 = 0.1145; const double d4 = -0.1687; const double d5 = 0.3312; const double d6 = 0.5000; const double d7 = 0.4183; const double d8 = 0.0816; const double d9 = 1.4022; const double d10 = 0.3456; const double d11 = 0.7145; const double d12 = 1.7710; const double mix = 0.5; double y, cb, cr, y0, cb0, cr0, y1, cb1, cr1; double r0, g0, b0, r1, g1, b1; ColorBgra ret = fg; r0 = (double)fg.R / d0; g0 = (double)fg.G / d0; b0 = (double)fg.B / d0; r1 = (double)bg.R / d0; g1 = (double)bg.G / d0; b1 = (double)bg.B / d0; y0 = d1 * r0 + d2 * g0 + d3 * b0; cb0 = d4 * r0 - d5 * g0 + d6 * b0; cr0 = d6 * r0 - d7 * g0 - d8 * b0; y1 = d1 * r1 + d2 * g1 + d3 * b1; cb1 = d4 * r1 - d5 * g1 + d6 * b1; cr1 = d6 * r1 - d7 * g1 - d8 * b1; y = y0 + mix * (y1 - y0 ); cb = cb0 + mix * (cb1 - cb0); cr = cr0 + mix * (cr1 - cr0); ret.R = (byte)(d0 * (y + d9 * cr)); ret.G = (byte)(d0 * (y - d10 * cb - d11 * cr)); ret.B = (byte)(d0 * (y + d12 * cb)); ret.A = (byte)255; // always set to no transparency to make the result visible return ret; } void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect) { // The first time render is run we set the AverageColor so we have our first // parameter for the first time we call the averager function if (GlobalClass.AverageColor == null) { GlobalClass.AverageColor = src[0, 0]; } PdnRegion selectionRegion = EnvironmentParameters.GetSelection(src.Bounds); ColorBgra CurrentPixel; for (int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++) { for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++) { if (selectionRegion.IsVisible(x, y)) { CurrentPixel = src[x,y]; GlobalClass.AverageColor = average(GlobalClass.AverageColor, CurrentPixel); dst[x,y] = CurrentPixel; } } } // fill out selection with average color for (int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++) { for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++) { if (selectionRegion.IsVisible(x, y)) { dst[x,y] = GlobalClass.AverageColor; } } } } p.s. I wouldn't have even understood anything I wrote above even a week ago without the great help of people on the forums and the openness of effects writers. Thanks, all!
  10. That's a cool effect, but it makes him look like he's wearing a tutu.
  11. Worldnewser, that's pretty sweet, but I don't envy you trying to find a font color to use with it.
  12. I have no idea why this is my SIG. It has little to do with me. but I did want to get around from all of the SF-style ones (which are cool, but ubiquitous). Plus, I wanted to see if I could get a good desert effect.
  13. I grew up knowing A&W more for root beer than restaurants, but their food is pretty yummy. A neon sign:
  14. Yeah, I figure that out soon after I posted, so I edited the post to remove the attachment and add the inline image. Thanks for the warm welcome!
  15. Not only is it still here, but I signed up here just to post my results.
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