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  1. Thanks guys. Sorry about the double post you can merge the 2 if you want. I just wanted to give you an update on my issue. I was able to take the image apart with http://www.gifworks.com/image_editor.html as suggested. I copied each frame but they turned the background black when I pasted the images into Paint.net. I couldn't change the background color to something that was easier to work with because every time I did it would erase the outer edges of my smiley image and mess it all up. So I struggled with the text in a black background by turning it red first to see it and then turning it back. I am sure there must be a better way to do it but I didn't know what it was so thats how I got the text fixed. Then I had to save each image and reopen it in Gimp to add an alpha channel so I could make the back background transparent. Some how in Gimp it didn't remove my Smiley border when I did that so I got all the images sorted out. I used UnFreeze to assemble the animation but it didn't have individual frame timing so I had to add frames to get the timing close to what I wanted. I think it may limit the frames to 11 though because when I reopened it it only had 11 frames out of the 16 I thought I had. Anyway all is well. Its working. I just wish I knew how to do this all in one piece of software, going back and for the between MSPaint, Paint.net,Gimp, UnFreeze exc. drives me a bit batty. Thanks for all your help guys and especially for steering me to gifworks. That made life a lot easier. *Kisses* Pattie
  2. Thank you all for your responses. It has made me understand the capability of the software better for sure. I did not save the images I used to create the .gif unfortunately because I thought I had it right.. IT really looks nice but its embarrassing to say I made a spelling error in it rendering it useless unless I can fix it. I do have gimp and am just learning how to navigate it and you guys are very right Paint.net is far easier to navigate but I am starting to get things about Gimp sorted out in my head although I am sure it will do more then I am currently capable of.. I will try Gimp although I am sure it will frustrate me completely.. I will also try the link you posted to gif works.(Which sounds much easier than Gimp) I need to learn how to navigate all this image software sooner or later I guess. I do wonder though why Gimp can do this but paint.net can't though . It would seam to me to be one of the first things some one would try to do with image software :shock: . Thanks guys, I'll let you know how it all works out. Pattie
  3. Hi everyone. I am trying to disassemble a .gif animation to edit the frames. Can some one point me in the right direction? This is what I know so far.. I can assemble a gif using "unfreeze". I have read here that gif files don't support layers? I have only been using paint.net for about 24 hours and am not familiar with the functions yet. Flatten? What does that do? I see this all over the board when I tried to search for the function there are tutorials by the dozens that tell you to use it but they don't really tell you what it does exactly. When I open my animated smiley it is grayed out. (My guess is this has something to do with assembling animated layers..) I'm lost in case you cant tell... I assembled a smiley with a different program and now I need to edit the text in one of the frames and I cant figure out how to get the darn thing apart to edit it.. :oops: I know this is probably a noob question but then ... Pattie is a noob. This program is complicated, looks like I'm going to need lessons. Being a noob is not fun. Some one help me get past this bump please.. Thanks in advance Pattie
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